Good...txinvestigator wrote:I'll try to be more clear.

Agreed, but I thought the original question and or comment related to seeing if an "exemption" to carrying under the CHL law here in this state, was what they were implying for military personnel...I don't think the military should receive any more special carry priviledges than they currenty have.
Absolutely...Thats a very doable goal for us to shoot for...If Vermont and Alaska can do it...And everyone is happy with that in their state...I don;t see a lot of effort to take away those "systems" if you can call them that, happening...They be in pretty good shape if you ask me...I believe ALL CHL holders should have the limitations on places where they can carry removed, save perhaps the secured area of airports and jails.
Ok, dogpile on "Txi" everybody!I appreciate the support steve but Txi is just fine.