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by stevie_d_64
Mon May 21, 2007 3:24 pm
Forum: 2007 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: TSRA Alert on SB534
Replies: 43
Views: 31608

Considering my state representative is a lock in the "yea" column...

Does anyone have a Rep who may be on the bubble???

I would love to call them up myself, and urge them on the behalf of one of their compadres...

I'm sure that once they see how serious we are, and that those of us outside their districts, but having their colleagues constituency call could tip it in our favor...

I'm going to see a few folks tonight that I know are in favor of this...I could get a few names from them I suppose in regards to this last push for 534...

I agree, this may be a good time to hit them while the iron is hot...

This bill, for whatever reservations some may have about it, would make a good bookend to this session for our community...
by stevie_d_64
Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:23 pm
Forum: 2007 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: TSRA Alert on SB534
Replies: 43
Views: 31608

Ok, to prove that I can be flexible, magnanimous and less of a pain...

This kinda jumped out at me again...And if "534" is all we can get this session in regards to this issue, then I can bite the bullet...Not like it matters... :lol:

"(1) the employer provided the employee an alternative
location on the employer's property for the employee to securely
store the employee's handgun while on the employer's property;"

Here's one of the big booger boos that has bugged me for years...

If "534" passes, I see this particular verbage being used in facilities that can restrict under 30.06, but given the ability, or at least compelled to provide storage for CHL'ers while conducting business in those facilities...

I know this cannot be worked this session, that is obvious, but this little seed needs to be planted soon and at least introduced in 2009 in some way shape or form...

So to head off the cautious crowd, I totally agree with the notion that the more you mess with it, the more chance for a neglegent discharge happening...But...If its good for this bill, and an employer has the choice/option to setup a secure place to disarm, and store your firearm for you...Then this should be the next logical step...
by stevie_d_64
Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:27 am
Forum: 2007 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: TSRA Alert on SB534
Replies: 43
Views: 31608

Charles L. Cotton wrote:I believe it is important to get something passed so we can work on improving it, just as we had to do with SB60 in 1995.
I totally agree with that course...If its "in the mean time", we'll have another bill to massage this one up to what can quell the concerns some of us have, then thats all I am saying...I'm with you on this...No problem...
A lot of people are currently keeping guns in their cars in violation of company policy. If they get caught, they have no recourse whatsoever. If SB534 passes, CHL's will have a choice of following it provisions, or continuing to keep a gun in their car without disclosing the information required by SB534. The choice and the risk are up to the individual. To me the bottom line is this. SB534 isn't perfect, but it is a big step in the right direction and it's far better than what we have now.
The only reaon I disclose this anonymously in this forum was to illustrate, that even though I know the corporate policy is based upon an insurance requirement to state this "no guns" policy in their employee manual...I am respecting that notification, yet I am not violating corporate policy if I keep it locked in my vehicle the whole time I am on the clock...

Our parking lot is just this, it is not "premises" as defined in state law...

So as long as my watercooler conversations stays off the subject, and no one knows where I fall on this...I do not believe there is any foul here, except to someones sensibilities, if I eventually want to be covered by this SB534 if it becomes law...

I inform them of my CHL...They'll know that I have had it since the beginning of time (exageration)...They'll assume I had it somewhere near me before the bill became law...Bingo...The bubble will be precariously ready to burst...For any reason...

But I do see your analysis of the employment and firing conditions in Texas...I agree its a hard road to hoe for anyone on either side of the equation...

Like I said I'm not trying to be a pain, I want to visualize potential complications and have anyone challenge them for whatever reason, so we can all learn from the discussion...
by stevie_d_64
Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:26 am
Forum: 2007 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: TSRA Alert on SB534
Replies: 43
Views: 31608

To be brutally honest...

I have had my concern, even though it has been discussed that certain companies do encourage their employees to divulge their "certifications" with HR, and that no repercussions to that employee will be considered in any disciplinary actions taken for "other" issues, with that knowledge...

I believe these conditions to be extremely rare in the employment world...

The whole premise from day one was that the business between you and the state was just that...Yours and the state, no body else...

Once you let that cat out of the bag, forever will it be known and divulged to others maybe even without your knowledge or permission...Because there is no penalty for doing that to any private entity...

Show me somewhere in any of these bills where there is a provision, especially in SB534, where upon you informing your employer, the penalties for divulging that prticular information to future employees, whether deliberate or un-intentional can be penalized severely...

Now...I am all for clarification, and good discussion of bills like this...I might even support their passage...

But from the get go on these bills, I have yet to either understand the logic (tradeoff) of why it is important to inform a non-law enforcement official, how this got inserted into a bill that gives us better protection, than the sensibilities and methods we already utilize in our daily lives, just to be able to "park" when we go to work everyday...

See, I already carry to work...shhhhh...

I keep it in the vehicle (locked up)...shhhhh...

Y'all are the only ones that know (per our discussion)...

My employer will never know...

Like I said I might be persuaded to support these bills, but I'm struggling with why we need them...

If you work in a situation where the access is controlled, searches probable, no chance to refuse under penalty of termination, then you betcha I see a need for this...But since I don't work for NASA anymore where the entire property is covered under those annoying USC codes...Military bases (with their own rules and guidelines to address this particular issue), and other Federal facilities...

The tree that needs to be barked up, is the Federal one...And I know, I know that is almost a futile endeavor...

I know these are well-intentioned bills, and yes, I may not as yet found a way to wrap around these particular ones, and I may appear to be the southside of a northbound donkey on this one...

I want to be absolutely sure that my personal information (especially in this day and age) and accreditations are just that personal...Not even remotely accessable to the public...

I am certainly going to look at the bills again to make sure I can correct myself if I am wrong...

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