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by stevie_d_64
Tue Sep 12, 2006 8:54 am
Forum: Goals for 2007
Topic: Sporting Events
Replies: 10
Views: 11261

As big as the "open carry", "Castle doctrine" and liability protection issues are...

I believe we have always needed to have, pushed above all else, the ability to compel, and under penalties to be defined by the state legislature to be levied against entities who would not normally provide secure, DISCRETE, and welcome facilities for CHL and other duly licensed citizens the ability to stow their firearms while within that facility or event...

No if's, and's or but's! Across the board...And if it is a cost to them? So be it...If they want to restrict on their property, and post the 30.06 provision, then bucko, they need to do this for us!

And no wiggling around crying to the government for funds to implement these changes!

Either this, or remove the signs...

I like what I remember what Utah did during the Winter Olympics a few years ago...Venue stowage facilities...

They (state of Utah) initially said they would provide that for its citizens...Then the IOC came in and U.N'd the state and they changed their minds...It was only after that that citizens like us roared about that and they (state of Utah and the IOC) apparently reversed its decision...

I didn't hear much after that...But its always been in the back of my mind to keep this issue on a slow simmer and see when it should be a good time to get the discussion and possible action back up on it...

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