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by stevie_d_64
Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:27 am
Forum: 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Reflections on the 2009 Texas Legislative Session
Replies: 34
Views: 21937

Re: Reflections on the 2009 Texas Legislative Session

Douva wrote:
GaryAdrian wrote:Maybe if everybody writes this will nip this in the bud before the liberal leaning Universities start touting this as a win.
Speaking of claiming a win, anyone who hasn't seen this should definitely check it out: ... er-of-fail" onclick=";return false;
I had to literally go back and look at the source, just to make sure that was in the DailyKos...

But what is funny, and something I saw a couple of months ago...That the Main UH campus and the Clear Lake campus of the University of Houston system are not always in lock step...As the innaccuracies of the main campus were being spewed (and retracted after the fact), it had already been determined that the Clear Lake campus had studied and came to the conclusion that the Campus Carry bill should be passed and made law...Demographic differences between the two campuses set aside...

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