Getting back on course...
If I am asked to identify myself by a law enforcement officer...I would actually go so far as to say BP are law enforcement...
I would think that without saying a word in reply to that question, I would already have both my DL and CHL out ready to hand to them (don't say a word), and if they cannot figure it out that they do not hand CHL's out to just anyone...Then we are pretty much done...
That's when I instruct them that I have answered their question (by not saying a word when asked), please return my property (ID's), and if I am not being detained (arrested), am I free to go?
For all intents and purposes, pulling duty like this for the BP must be the bottom of the barrel stuff...
Having to deal with people like us must be a real strain on their sensibilities, and I actually would hate having to make a stand like this...
I want to sarcastically thank my government for drawing the battle lines here, rather than stand up and attack the problem where it really needs to happen...
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- Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:05 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Carrying at an INS checkpoint
- Replies: 66
- Views: 9993
- Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:55 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Carrying at an INS checkpoint
- Replies: 66
- Views: 9993
Re: Carrying at an INS checkpoint
You betcha...I do not fear my government, I am concerned about the tyrrany of good intentions.PsychDiver wrote:And yes some government practices if left to tyrants can lead to further infringement of our rights. ?
Might as well, it is where they are choosing to fight us.But is this the battleground we want to fight on?
Every single time.Can any one tell me where this practice, when performed as specified by government regulation, has violated someones rights?
Thats because not complying with those instructions has been made a crime, not answering this question is your right, since they fail to equally enforce the same inquiries in sanctuary cities like Houston (ordinance 500-5), when law enforcement is instructed to not inquire to a person immigration status (even with probable cause), why should we, answer a question about our status anywhere else (without probable cause)...You can bet that guy who is putting up such a fuss at an INS checkpoint wouldn't pull that kind of behavior at the security check point at an airport. He won't because he knows that TSA has real authority to arrest him and send him to jail.
With no accountability for any citizen to achieve immediate recourse when these encounters occur...It becomes more of a playground battle that serves no purpose for either side...The government and its enforcerment agencies are either going to get serious and target the real problem, or get the heck out of our way...Guess when that will happen???The problem with the INS checkpoints is that they have been given responsibility without authority.
- Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:37 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Carrying at an INS checkpoint
- Replies: 66
- Views: 9993
Re: Carrying at an INS checkpoint
Absolutely!!!Liberty wrote:Everyman has to figure out where to draw the line. I don't believe that we are required by law to stop for these guys. We all have different battles to fight. Thank God That some folks such as Travis, Thomas Paine, Samuel Adams, or George Washington stood up to those who thought citizens were subject to the rulers, and instead demanded that people have a right to expect their governmentto to be of, by, and for the people. These stops seem unreasonable to me. I can't find justification for the Feds to be stopping citizens without just cause, without warrant. It is the Taxpayers that pay for these roads , not the Border Patrol. If the border patrol want to control our Borders I would suggest they actuallty attempt to do it at the borders themselves. That is where the laws they are trying to enforce is actually being broken.Not on our freeways.stevie_d_64 wrote: Has anyone gone thru and looked at all the other videos of this subject...
When I said pushing a fine line, this is certainly the case...But, I believe that these challenges are justified, you are just going to butt up against some resistance to your resistance, therefore you might be hanging around with these types for longer than you desire, until they tell you you are free to go...
I believe they are more prepared for people like us that know what they are doing is wrong, and that they do not have to give you leave until they just don't want to deal with you any longer...If you make any attempt to drive off or give them any excuse to actually arrest you...Yer done...
The battle is not at these checkpoints...It is at the upper eschelon of their ranks and the government that allows these stops to become "normal"...
Personally, Alex Jones is an idiot...But in a sick and twisted way, he does have a point on this issue...His reasonings to why is what brands him as a fruitloop...
- Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:01 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Carrying at an INS checkpoint
- Replies: 66
- Views: 9993
Re: Carrying at an INS checkpoint
Has anyone gone thru and looked at all the other videos of this subject...Liberty wrote:Any commercial or industrial operation has to have results to justify their existence. I wonder just what kind of rights results they get at these roadblocks. I don't believe they have any right to search or anything.stevie_d_64 wrote: Even though I am a "gringo", I do pass sometimes for hispanic...
This guy doing to youtube videos of these "checkpoints" is pushing a fine line...But I believe he is right in doing so...
It's only going to get worse people...
What is ironic is some people believe these "checkpoints" work...
If the BP just had the answer to these types of questions, then it might be effective...
But the powers at be believe this stuff works, therefore...
When I said pushing a fine line, this is certainly the case...But, I believe that these challenges are justified, you are just going to butt up against some resistance to your resistance, therefore you might be hanging around with these types for longer than you desire, until they tell you you are free to go...
I believe they are more prepared for people like us that know what they are doing is wrong, and that they do not have to give you leave until they just don't want to deal with you any longer...If you make any attempt to drive off or give them any excuse to actually arrest you...Yer done...
The battle is not at these checkpoints...It is at the upper eschelon of their ranks and the government that allows these stops to become "normal"...
Personally, Alex Jones is an idiot...But in a sick and twisted way, he does have a point on this issue...His reasonings to why is what brands him as a fruitloop...
- Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:23 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Carrying at an INS checkpoint
- Replies: 66
- Views: 9993
Re: Carrying at an INS checkpoint
Even though I am a "gringo", I do pass sometimes for hispanic...Luggo1 wrote:I would avoid I-10 coming east out of El Paso, there is a checkpoint there, there is one going west out of Las Cruces on I-10 in NM, they are everywhere inside the country. If you are very very white, as I am, you often get waived through no questions asked. If you have any skin color, you can expect more. There are also non-permanent checkpoints that appear from time to time all over the area along the border.Why the H E Double Hockey Sticks is there INS/ICE checkpoints *INSIDE* of the country??
I would go bananas if I got stopped by ICE inside of the country!
This guy doing to youtube videos of these "checkpoints" is pushing a fine line...But I believe he is right in doing so...
It's only going to get worse people...
What is ironic is some people believe these "checkpoints" work...
If the BP just had the answer to these types of questions, then it might be effective...
But the powers at be believe this stuff works, therefore...
- Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:19 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Carrying at an INS checkpoint
- Replies: 66
- Views: 9993
Re: Carrying at an INS checkpoint
Man, that was priceless...nitrogen wrote:This is pretty much how i'd react to an illegal checkpoint.dihappy wrote:nitrogen wrote:Why the H E Double Hockey Sticks is there INS/ICE checkpoints *INSIDE* of the country??
I would go bananas if I got stopped by ICE inside of the country!
Well, there are ILLEGALS *INSIDE* of the country, makes sense to me :)
I hope your not the guy in this video:" onclick=";return false;
But why did she have to be so cute???
- Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:14 pm
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: Carrying at an INS checkpoint
- Replies: 66
- Views: 9993
Re: Carrying at an INS checkpoint
My thought process is just flawed...period...Liberty wrote:I will warn folks because In have opinions but I want to remind folks that thought process may be flawed.will381796 wrote:Why does everyone qualify their statements with "I am not a lawyer?" Has anyone ever been sued for posting faulty legal information on an internet forum that someone followed because they assumed it's correct? Why don't we just assume from the get-go that none of us are lawyers unless otherwise stated (IAAL)? Just not sure of the need for everyone to provide that disclaimer to every