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by stevie_d_64
Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:20 pm
Forum: Instructors' Corner
Topic: Strange Students
Replies: 18
Views: 8722

txinvestigator wrote:I refund only if the student tells me after the first segment that he is ineligible. I cover this section in the first hour. After that I pretty much do not refund.
Oh thats fine, I was coming from the point that anytime it doesn't look like its going to work out for them I'd refund...To a certain point like you said...Business models differ, and I would take a look at yours or another instructors class and apply what I think would work for my deal...

The range qual should never be excused or waivered for renewals
I am not sure why you wrote that. Are you suggesting that some renewals are not being required to shoot? Every renewal student is required by law to qualify on the range to receive a TR100 to renew. If you know of an instructor not doing this you should report it to DPS,[/quote]

Sorry, there had been some discussion about the time and class content for renewals...It was all speculative and ideas were thrown out there for general discussion to make the range time an option for renewals...I was not for that obviously...I didn't mean to make it sound like there was something like that in the works...
Those students that fall asleep during some of that NVCR stuff need to be engaged in the class as far as getting them to participate in some sort of role playing during that portion of the class,
I think as instructors we should handle sleeping students as we see fit.[/quote]

You bet...It just escapes me that anyone would not be mentally and physically prepared and rested enough to focus and effectively participate in the class you conduct...

Call me an ole fuddy-duddy if I take it seriously, but at the same time keep a good attitude, and spread a little exhuberance to the others in the class... :lol:
by stevie_d_64
Mon Mar 13, 2006 12:18 pm
Forum: Instructors' Corner
Topic: Strange Students
Replies: 18
Views: 8722

I've personally been through various classes and courses that were as boring as watching a car rust...

Including a couple of the CHL classes I have been to...But...

As much as you (instructors) want to keep the classes as entertaining and interactive as you can...The burden should not be on you, for the way the "students" come into your class and conduct themselves...

Obviously safety is paramount, and if a student is deficient in the understanding of the rules for whatever reason, that should be a way to refund the money and tell them to either come back another day, or seek another instructor...To me, a students' action in a class of this type dictate a seriousness of purpose, yet be mature enough to practice good judgement and participate correctly in it...

It doesn't have to be as boring as a DPS defensive drivers class...

Thats why I support all of the subjects in the currect curriculum the state requires in the class...

The range qual should never be excused or waivered for renewals, I think an experienced shooter lends a tremendous asset to a class, and that shooters who may not be comfortable do receive a lot of encouragement and desire to get to a range more often to get better, and more important learn to become more safe with firearms in general...

The learning of the firearms law in this state, which may be boring to some, does remind us of that important part of all the can and cannot's of what that little piece of plastic says about you...

And above all, I think the non-violent conflict resolution portion of the class, however campy and silly some of it can be, really puts a face on what kind of person you are and can be, if you understand the underlying purpose of it...

Those students that fall asleep during some of that NVCR stuff need to be engaged in the class as far as getting them to participate in some sort of role playing during that portion of the class, if nothing more than to get them to understand that in the bigger picture of things that this is not a game...

Its a fine balance, and one I do not envy those who have gone and qualified and teach the rest of us the states' requirement to get this certification...

I've been giving it a lot of thought lately about becoming an instructor...So at the very least I can have a better and more complete understanding of the law...

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