I hope you didn't think I was not agreeing with you Baytown...Baytown wrote:Good points all, though grey areas and officer discretion are good things.
Now, what we need in order to have all this non-sense stop to increase the the criteria for travelling.
If, for instnace you have been convicted of any sort of Misd A or B in the last 5 or 10 years, it would disqualify. That would cover car burglars, dope smokers, etc...
I fear that if a thug is the test case, the courts will rule against our side and we lose ground. Why would anyone care if a thug/thug can not carry a gun in his car, but you still can.
Honest, law abiding people, have little to fear.
I am with you on those points, totally...
I wish there was a way to cut and paste your suggestions in a letter and get them to someone who could incorporate them into quantifiable action in the next session...
Maybe someone already has, but I am not sure if these dangling participles will ever be truely resolved and all the ambiguity removed from all of this...
For what its worth, I believe the people who are at a disadvantage the most, are people like you in Law Enforcement...
Even the most "over-zealous" are more than likely just a product of the ambiguities of "bad law"...So I can't, and really won't throw big rocks at them for being that way...
I guess I feel 2007 is going to be at best a "clean-up" session in regards to CHL issues...Which may turn out to be good for everyone, we can only hope...