frankie_the_yankee wrote:So you're arguing that because criminals are not as smart as we are, they will not think to look for OCers or to take them out first if they were conducting some kind of ambush/assault.
Yep...IMO, they are not the sharpest bowling balls in the bag...Dumber than a bag of hammers...
Seems risky to me. All it takes is one smart or observant criminal to upset the whole apple cart.
Absolutely...But this is where I draw the line...I think we should have the choice to OC if w want to...Most of the time, and Charles said it best, there are just not that many times that we will see someone OC'ing...And I agree totally with that assessment...
Now I'm sure that sometimes this will result in a situation where if the predator notices that someone is OCing they will abandon whatever plan they might have had and do their crime somewhere else.
Yep...But I do not believe that the average criminal will be going through a checklist of things in preparation to commit a crime, based upon if they notice anyone openly carrying a firearm...Nope, I believe we would hear of amny instances if this was true...
But it also seems reasonable that in some cases the predator will simply decide that he can still go through with the attack as long as he just takes out the OCer first.
Like you said, "risky"...It surely is something to consider either way...
stevie_d_64 wrote: My position is well known...I would like to see it become an option to do so in this state, whether it creates problems or not with other people (who are against RKBA) is not a concern of mine, and never will be...We will govern ourselves accordingly, and be excellent ambassadors to the Right to Keep and Bear Arms...
If you choose to open carry, great...If not, fabulous...
I too would like to see it (meaning
licensed OC) become an option in this state.[/quote]
Then we are close to being on the same page...Not that anyone has an advantage of being more right than the other, but I am one of those folks that deep down, have always believed that it sure is appalling to have to jump through the fees, classes and scrutiny to exercise a Constitutional right...But if I didn't I wouldn't know most of some of the finest folks I'll ever know in my life if it wasn't for the hoops I had to jump through...So its kinda a mixed bag for me personally...