By inaction, disengagement, and saying nothing to escalate such an agregious verbal and terroristic threat to you and your wife...gigag04 wrote:On a similiar anectdote, we were told this one in my CHL class.
Husband and wife own a bar. Close it up late one night (he's carrying). Come out to find a large, african american male rifling through thier mail in thier suburban. They tell him to get out and leave. He gets out and stares him down and says "Wut...are you gonna do?" and walks slowly towards owner. He goes on to say "I know where you live, I have your address - you and your family are dead." He gets close enough and goes to punch the owner (no gun drawn...yet).
During the scuffle the BG's shirt is ripped off to reveal the tattoo "#1 Crip" or something like that. Does the threat have more credibility now?
BG leaves, owner follows guy (dumb I think...maybe). BG goes to park under bridge, finally turns and approaches owner, says "I'm sick of this $#%@" and lunges swinging at owner. Owner draws, fires striking BG two or 3 times. Cops show up, take notes, no charges filed (if I remember correctly).
Granted - the self defense shooting happened DURING an immenent attack.
If you drive off and said suspect follows you, and or attempts to act on the threat he levied...With the knowledge of where you live etc etc...
You gave him ample opportunity to blow it off and leave you alone...
I'd say you certainly have given them every chance to NOT do what they say they are going to do...
Bada bing, bada BANG...
I would have very little, to zero, sympathy or emotion...