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by stevie_d_64
Thu Mar 09, 2006 8:32 pm
Forum: Goals for 2007
Topic: Changes to CHL law
Replies: 37
Views: 36553

KBCraig wrote:
stevie_d_64 wrote: Why do people do this???

Do they not understand that the most lethal substance in the world is a Marine trying to eat! :lol:
Marines and GIs seem to learn one thing very quickly in basic training: get as much as can whenever you can, because you don't know when you'll get any more.

The rule applies to food, sleep, ammo, beer, and --ummm-- distractions of a prurient nature.

Yes, and the protection of our precious bodily fluids... :smilelol5:

Some will get this, and some will not...It suffices to say that I am against some being able to see the big board...

And that I will fire the explosive bolts if all else fails...

Kevin, you have opened a big can of worms here my friend... :lol:
by stevie_d_64
Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:02 pm
Forum: Goals for 2007
Topic: Changes to CHL law
Replies: 37
Views: 36553

Lonegun1894 wrote:The only time it ever became an issue was one time out to dinner with some friends when a drunk came in from the bar next door and decided to pick a fight with me and 3 of my Marines while we were trying to eat.
Why do people do this???

Do they not understand that the most lethal substance in the world is a Marine trying to eat! :lol:

by stevie_d_64
Sat Apr 02, 2005 10:41 pm
Forum: Goals for 2007
Topic: Changes to CHL law
Replies: 37
Views: 36553

I actually like all of the positive things...

Coming out of this session this time...

I do have a point of contention with a couple of you when it comes to...

"Open Carry" [insert canyon echo sound effect]

To remove the jeopardy of violating the "must conceal" statute would be best facilitated by removing it altogether and allowing and "open carry" optional statute...

Key word "optional" open carry...

That allows us to not be held in contempt of freaking out the public...And gives those of us who choose to open carry at times the option to do so...

Tactically I do agree with Lindy and Trog that open carry does have some risk...But then again, most bad guys who plan to do ill will towards others don't rush into things if they see an openly armed person...Like L.E.

Of course most of us are not Law Enforcment, and should not be expected to intervene like one by others who are not armed like us...That argument is Sarah Brady, VPC and the MMM folks interjecting their "anti" message into our community...

Bottom line is I would love to have the option to carry openly, thus moving us in line with about 9-10 other States who allow it...

I have yet to see in 15 years of being active in the Pro-2A and CCW community any incidents of a civilian licenced to carry a firearm for lawful purposes (Openly, not concealed) be "sucessfully" targeted and neutralized by a criminal in the commencement of a felony...

Show me any quantifiable incident to contradict that, and I will gladly stand to be corrected...

Our CCW friends in Virginia seem to be sending the right message by opening carrying, and the public in that State appear to be getting more and more used to the idea...

Remember, all I am for is for the option...How active the state of Texas is if that statute is changed is up to us...

I think there is a time and place for every option...

by stevie_d_64
Sat Apr 02, 2005 10:13 pm
Forum: Goals for 2007
Topic: Changes to CHL law
Replies: 37
Views: 36553

Magnetic strip...HA...

antfarmer wrote:Naw, not GUN across the front, just a single letter endorsement with the secret decoder message on the back!

I don't know what all is contained in the magnetic strip, but it would seem your DL could be invalidated for whatever infractions, and you could still keep your card.
Shhhhhh, my magnetic strip doesn't work...

The information on the front is good enough in my book...Haven't had a problem with it yet...

by stevie_d_64
Sat Apr 02, 2005 10:07 pm
Forum: Goals for 2007
Topic: Changes to CHL law
Replies: 37
Views: 36553

Re: Changes to CHL law

fiftycal wrote:I see where HB 225 has already been filed to lengthen the CHL from 4 years to 5. I don't agree with that change because I believe people need a refresher at least every couple of legislative sessions.

I would support lowering the cost of the CHL for new and renewal, requiring DPS to take the photos on the existing drivers license equipment, doing away with the USELESS notarized forms, removing the USELESS requirement for "non-violent dispute resolution training" and lowering the course to 7 hours total.

Also, the lack of a "51%" sign should be a defense to prosecution for unknowingly entering a "bar".

That's a start on things.
I don't see why you would dissagree with the 12 month extension...Base primarily on a proficiency issue...

Those who enjoy the shooting will remain proficient and have no trouble with their firearms...

Those who choose to shoot very often and maintain a modem of proficiency...Well, lets just say that that very small precentage of people who obtain and maintain their licences are just missing out on the fun...

I think for the most part people who have a CCW permit do just fine...

I like the idea that primarily this bill stretches my CHL dollar...And if they lower the renewal fees...So much the better...


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