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by stevie_d_64
Mon Oct 31, 2005 7:32 am
Forum: Other States
Topic: Witchita KS
Replies: 4
Views: 2063

Welcome to the forum!

This is what I gleened from OpenCarry.Org:



While Kansas is an open carry state, they have NO preemption. This means that there are a patchwork of local ordinances that constitute a nightmare for the law abiding citizen.


Kansas, to me, has always been a no-no state...There are elements in the elected government that are trying to rectify that issue...They have gotten their own CCW law passed in the state, and both times was vetoed, once by a RINO, and recently by a democrat govenor...

I'd study the database at and make sure if you can at least render the firearm secured in a lockbox in your car, unloaded, ammo separate and locked away as well etc etc etc etc etc...

You'll still be going through Texas and Oklahoma, where your right is protected by that license, when you get it...But only then...

If you don't get it (CHL license) in the mail by the time you leave on your trip...Your options become limited...

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