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by StevenFromTexas
Sun Feb 10, 2013 8:03 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Expunged Records
Replies: 37
Views: 17258

Re: Expunged Records

tbrown wrote:
StevenFromTexas wrote:No, the CHL application is not an exception. If something has been expunged, it didn't happen. Unless the other party can legally tell you why you would have to reveal an expungement before even asking such a question, the respondent should keep his or her mouth shut and reply "No" to any verbal questions and write "No" in response to any written questions!
Go ahead if you're willing to take that gamble. If they find the record of the arrest and you claimed you were never arrested, don't be surprised if DPS (or employers) wonder what else you're hiding from them. And rightly so IMHO.
It isn't a gamble. I stand by my original reply, which is crystal clear. However, I would never stop anyone from being in a state of fog when completing an application who doesn't know what expungement involves or what expungement even means.

My last reply on this topic.
by StevenFromTexas
Fri Feb 08, 2013 7:47 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Expunged Records
Replies: 37
Views: 17258

Re: Expunged Records

MoJo wrote:
Jim Beaux wrote:It's my understanding that if you have something expunged you do not have to reveal it to anyone. Never happened.
CHL application in Texas is an exception.
No, the CHL application is not an exception. If something has been expunged, it didn't happen. Unless the other party can legally tell you why you would have to reveal an expungement before even asking such a question, the respondent should keep his or her mouth shut and reply "No" to any verbal questions and write "No" in response to any written questions!

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