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Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:30 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: LEO's under attack
Replies: 57
Views: 9859

Re: LEO's under attack

handog wrote:
gringo pistolero wrote:
texanjoker wrote:There is a difference that many seem to forget. The LEO responds to the calls and seeks out the bad guy while the CHL holder carries for self defense.
Thank you for the reminder that the citizens are on the front line. In many cases the LEO responds to the calls after a citizen is attacked or victimized by criminals in some other way. A good reminder for us all. Thanks. :tiphat:

^^ CHLs are the first responders in most cases. Without pay I might add.
Trying to be a hero will get you hurt/killed in most cases. Looks like a lot of CHL holders are going around looking for something to get into. WE ARE NOT LEO's and should stay out of places that dont concern us.

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