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by EKO
Sun Jan 20, 2013 8:39 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Introduce yourself
Replies: 3950
Views: 766011

Re: Introduce yourself

Wodathunkit wrote:I've just realized I've not done this...

Age 42
Refinery Inspection Supervisor
CHL in January 2013
EDC Glock 19
Married 21 years to my HS prom date
Three daughters
Native Houstonian, but I've visited 30 states.

I am a right winging, religious, gun collecting, tax avoider :biggrinjester:
Welcome all you new folks
bout time :biggrinjester:
by EKO
Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:49 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Introduce yourself
Replies: 3950
Views: 766011

Re: Introduce yourself

Age: 50
Gender: Male
Profession/school status: Petrochemical Industry
Marital status; Married, 3 Daughters grown, a Lawyer, a Nurse and 1professional student
Years CHL: 3 weeks
Representatives: Debbie Riddle, Dan Patrick And my favorite Ted Poe
Carry guns/equipment: SA XD-9 and Beretta Model 96

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