That's my take as well. But with that duty comes risk. And it seems to me that we now live in such a risk averse society that the social norm is now to "let the professionals handle it." That risk aversion has made its way into the laws of the land, and into societal expectations.baldeagle wrote:That's your modern understanding of your duty. It wasn't that way when the country was founded.MeMelYup wrote:A person has the duty to protect themselves and family. The police do not have that duty, their duty is to the community. My neighbor does not have a duty to protect me or my family. My neighbors have a duty to themselves and their families, and if I need assistance they may help, but are not obligated to. If I see that a neighbor needs help I may help them, but I am not obligated to protect them.
When you as a civilian do get involved don't expect protection from the courts of law or public opinion, even when you get it right. There have been many warnings from LEOs and lawyers on this and other boards that even in the best of circumstances, your are likely to take a ride and face civil suite from the perp's grieving friends and family. All they have to do is convince 12 random folks that if you had only waited on the pros, there would have been a different outcome.
It appears to me that society has changed to the point that it won't accept your, make that our, perspective. I don't like it, but my disapproval doesn't change anything. I don't think things will change until society somehow goes back to those old values and view of what is expected of a citizen.
We've got a pretty good LEO contingent on this board. How do you guys feel about John Q. Public jumping into the fray?