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by TexasCajun
Sat May 30, 2015 12:36 pm
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: So what's the new signage going to be?
Replies: 104
Views: 51756

Re: So what's the new signage going to be?

C-dub wrote:
TexasCajun wrote:
Rrash wrote:30.06 will apply specifically to concealed. The wording of 30.06 will be changed to reflect concealed carry. 30.07 will apply specifically to open. On Jan 1,2016, all current 30.06 signs will be invalid and will need to be replaced with the updated 30.06 that specifies concealed carry.
30.06 did not change, so existing signs on private property will continue to be enforceable and will continue to be applicable to concealed carry. HB910 provides for a new 30.07 sign that would be applicable to open carry. So property owners could opt to change out their 30.06 for 30.07 or add 30.07 to their already posted 30.06.
30.06 will change. Three new words have been inserted and five words will be struck out.
My apologies. I didn't realize that 30.06 had changed. I stand corrected.
by TexasCajun
Sat May 30, 2015 9:20 am
Forum: 2015 Legislative Session
Topic: So what's the new signage going to be?
Replies: 104
Views: 51756

Re: So what's the new signage going to be?

Rrash wrote:30.06 will apply specifically to concealed. The wording of 30.06 will be changed to reflect concealed carry. 30.07 will apply specifically to open. On Jan 1,2016, all current 30.06 signs will be invalid and will need to be replaced with the updated 30.06 that specifies concealed carry.
30.06 did not change, so existing signs on private property will continue to be enforceable and will continue to be applicable to concealed carry. HB910 provides for a new 30.07 sign that would be applicable to open carry. So property owners could opt to change out their 30.06 for 30.07 or add 30.07 to their already posted 30.06.

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