That is not shall issue. Shall issue means if you meet certain criteria you cannot be refused a license. With a name like Kwame, this guy is almost certain to be black. He should learn his own history. Having the local constabulary review one's application was how the southern whites disarmed the blacks before brutally murdering them.[/quote]baldeagle wrote:[quote="gthaustex"Sen. Kwame Raoul, a Chicago Democrat, had said the plan was a permissive concealed carry program. But the language indicates that Illinois State Police could deny permits to anyone unable to show they faced a violent threat or did not have a "proper reason" for carrying one -- hallmarks of gun-permit laws in states with more restrictive rules.
Raoul's idea was to provide better control over permits for carrying concealed weapons in Chicago and Cook County with a review by local police. Raoul said last week that outside of Chicago, the concealed carry law would require review only by the state police. Raoul described his proposal as "shall issue," a less-restrictive means of screening permit applicants.
I think that is why the legislation is going back for more work, rather than pass an aborted attempt that was essentially a "may issue" proposal. I don't know if he is ignorant of the terminology, or if he thinks that by calling it shall issue, it hides what they are trying to do, which is essentially keep Chicago and Cook County completely away from concealed carry. Methinks it is the latter....