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by McKnife
Mon Dec 06, 2010 2:26 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney
Replies: 53
Views: 7457

Re: 2 guns stolen out of my truck mckinney

My father has a 2001 f150 and it was broken into at the gym. He didn't notice until he got home and saw all the coins and his pocket knife were gone.

He called the sheriffs dept and they came out to take a report. He told the deputy that he couldn't figure out how they got in and she showed him. She put her pinkey finger on the keyhole place and pushed in about 1 inch... and pop, door is unlocked. All they do is put a screwdriver in re keyhole and hammer it in.

His jaw dropped. I didn't believe it myself unil he showed me later that day and I tried it.

He lost a few dollars in change and a two dollar knife. Insurance covered the $80 lock replacement.

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