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by reh
Mon Jul 16, 2012 9:31 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Churches that meet in public schools - let's change the law!
Replies: 26
Views: 3619

Re: Churches that meet in public schools - let's change the

Charles - great point! This issue is closely tied with campus carry.
by reh
Sun Jul 15, 2012 10:04 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Churches that meet in public schools - let's change the law!
Replies: 26
Views: 3619

Re: Churches that meet in public schools - let's change the

jmra - I like your thinking. That is exactly the common sense approach that I think the legislature needs to look at. If there's not a sanctioned school event taking place on the premises, then the building should be open to carry.

On a larger note (and I am sure that this has been beat on countless times on this forum), how can the people in charge of educating Texas children think that CHL holders are somehow dangerous to those children? It makes no sense at all.
by reh
Sun Jul 15, 2012 4:30 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Churches that meet in public schools - let's change the law!
Replies: 26
Views: 3619

Re: Churches that meet in public schools - let's change the

C-dub wrote:Hello there reh. I missed that your first post here was your first post on the forum. Welcome to the form!
Hi C-dub. Thanks so much for the welcome, it's good to finally be here. I must admit that I am a new CHLer, and while I've wanted to do it for years, one of the reasons I finally did so was for church - imagine my surprise (and even disappointment) when I got to the class and found out that carrying in schools at any time is off limits! Anyway, I'm blessed to live in a country where I can, and I'm carrying everywhere else and even to the parking lot at church. BTW - my 21 year old son and I got our CHLs together.
C-dub wrote:I don't have any problem with churches meeting in public schools. I'm just surprised to find out there is as much as you say going on and especially in Austin.
Yes, it's quite a bit more prolific than many people may realize; kind of like home-schooling. Churches nowadays don't always have a steeple on top of the building, nor are they the old stuffy service many people may think of - many of them (including ours and Austin Stone) have live rock bands performing contemporary worship music at 92+ dB. In the last 10 years, I've attended churches in shopping centers, public school gyms, cafeterias, and auditoriums, a bar (yes, a bar on 5th St right here in Austin), a movie theater, oh yeah, and even in conventional church buildings. My son is in college in Nashville and attends church every Sunday in a bar near his campus (the bar closes at 2:00, and by the time the cleaning crew is leaving around 6:00am, the church volunteers, including my son, are showing up to set up for church). The bottom line is that churches are going where the people are in order to reach out to them. And for a neighborhood, that is often a nearby school.
by reh
Sun Jul 15, 2012 3:07 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Churches that meet in public schools - let's change the law!
Replies: 26
Views: 3619

Re: Churches that meet in public schools - let's change the

You folks may want to consider getting out on Sunday a bit more. One of the largest churches in the city, Austin Stone, meets every Sunday downtown at Austin High, and has for years - you may want to stop by and check it out some Sunday morning or evening (yes, they are there all day). My church meets in a middle school, and prior to that, we met in an elementary (until the church that was at that time meeting in the middle school decided to move on). The concept of churches that meet in schools, shopping centers, even movie theaters is not new. And it's a growing trend all over the country, not just in Austin or even Texas (or Houston, Dallas, San Antonio, Corpus, etc.). It makes a lot of sense from a financial perspective - the main one being that you're not paying for that space all week long to just sit there (and probably having to air condition it too). You're going to see more and more of especially the small, independent churches electing to not buy a building as time goes on. And btw, churches make some of the best tenants - they leave the place immaculate after each use and cover any damages, minor or major, that may occur. Plus, almost all churches that I know of participate in some of the volunteer programs at the school itself; and the schools, even the more affluent ones, are all begging for more participation with their programs.

As for changing the law, you're right, some schools are going to resist and it's going to be hard, so I guess we ought not try! Seriously though, I'm not asking to carry during school days, or even when school activities are going on (if there happened to be a school event at the same time as our services - then we wouldn't be allowed to carry that day). And yes, this should certainly extend to any other group using the school facilities, I'm not asking for this just because it's a church thing. If the school lobby has such a stranglehold on everything, then why are we even allowed to carry into the parking lot? I don't think my rep is just blowing smoke, he's already talking about and naming other reps that he will be talking to that he thinks will be interested. I think it can be done - maybe not this session, might be a few years down the road (and as you know, most of these changes usually do take time), but we have to start somewhere.
by reh
Fri Jul 13, 2012 11:46 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Churches that meet in public schools - let's change the law!
Replies: 26
Views: 3619

Churches that meet in public schools - let's change the law!

My church meets in a public school building in Austin ISD. It's clear that a regular CCH cannot carry into the building, even on a Sunday when absolutely no school activities are going on. It's also obvious to anyone in the Austin area that Austin ISD is not going to give permission to do so.

I've talked with the pastor and other elders at my church; they would like to have carriers. In fact, the pastor's wife has told me that she would like to get her CHL. It's even to the point that they've considered hiring off-duty law enforcement as security (we are a relatively small congregation and currently do not have any members who are law enforcement, and also do not have the budget to hire someone professionally - which is why we're renting in the first place). There is some concern that just the fact of meeting in a school building increases the threat level for any congregation that does because it's well known that regular CHLs will not be carrying there.

I've contacted my state rep about this. Until I contacted him and he had his staff research it, he was not aware that carrying into a church meeting in a school building was even an issue. And now that his staff has confirmed it, he has assured me that he would like to work to introduce legislation in the upcoming session to provide for this, and has asked me to stay in touch with him about it.

With more and more churches electing to meet in school buildings across the state, this issue is certainly becoming more prevalent. I know of several churches in Austin ISD alone that meet in schools across the city, and I certainly do not know all of them. The total number across the state must be huge.

I'm just hoping to raise some awareness, and would like to ask other CHL holders, especially those whose churches meet in schools, to contact their state reps and/or state senators and let's see if we can get this short-sighted law updated.

Thanks for reading and happy carrying!

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