Maybe it's just Shotgun Joe Biden, shooting off a couple blasts to scare away the bad guys.Cedar Park Dad wrote:One is at best a misdemeanor. Breaking into someone's house is a felony. Its most definitely NOT the same situation.
I imagine this guy will be sued out of existence shortly, in addition to criminal charges, and rightly so.
Note I am not advocating anything - ok I am advocating not taking a shotgun out after people TPing the neighbor's house. I merely proferred the scenario as a what if because I like to proffer differing scenarios.
Another scenario, and more likely. CP Dad is walking Team Wiener Dog, when spots tweens TPing a house. CP Dad, while attempting to corral the young wiener dog from freaking out because he's a little girly dog, sees Shotgun Bob come out of his house with a shotgun and pop two rounds at the tweens. CP Dad - fully believing Shotgun Bob is attempting to kill or grievously harm the tweens based on the fact he is attempting to shoot them - draws his own weapon and orders Shotgun Bob to put the shotgun down precedent to police getting there. Is CP Dad legally ok or does he need to sic the wiener dogs on the situation to landmine the area until he can make good his escape?*
*CP Dad is also not advocating the use of wiener dog biowarfare in this post, except in the case of badger infestation.
We can "what if" this to death. While the two examples I gave are not the same, I still have little sympathy for folks caught in the act of criminality, be it misdemeanoring or felonious. In this case Shotgun Joe is in the wrong, the kids were in the wrong but less so, and no one will “win”.
However, I would suggest CP Dad do everything within his power to NOT engage someone with a shotgun using a pistol. Have you seen what 00 Buck can do? Send in the hounds instead.
Also, you owe me a keyboard after the wiener dog biowarfare comment.