Edit to add: Wow, got a reply.
From: Phil Jankowski [mailto:kdhphilip@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 3:22 PM
To: (Me)
Subject: Re: Staff Sgt. Nathaniel Owen Sampson
Thanks for the input and criticism. We have heard from several people about this error today and will have a correction in tomorrow's edition. Thanks for reading
On Thu, Jan 10, 2013 at 3:15 PM, (Jaguar) wrote:
Dear sir,
In your article on kdhnews.com, you state;
This statement is false, and I would like to see it corrected. There is no law in Texas that prevents CHL holders from entering hospitals or convenience stores unless the business is posted in accordance with Texas Penal Code §30.06. There are off limit areas, such as schools, polling places on voting day, government courts, racetracks, and the secured area of an airport, but not the examples you gave. More to the point, it is not illegal to bring a firearm into a hospital, which is what Sgt. Sampson was charged with and the whole point of this story and why the charges were dismissed, he was arrested on a false charge.Staff Sgt. Nathaniel Owen Sampson had a concealed handgun license when he brought his Springfield .45 into Metroplex Hospital’s emergency room March 30. State law prohibits concealed weapons from being brought to several places, such as convenience stores, bars and hospitals. (Emphasis mine)
Sloppy reporting in my opinion, you did not take the time to learn the laws you are writing about.