[quote="03Lightningrocks"]I have two questions.
1) Why do the dogs have to be Rottweilers ? If they were poodles, would we make a point of the breed? I suppose Rottweiler or pit bull sounds more threatening. Unfortunately this stereo typing is causing dog discrimination. Yeah, I know, everyone is a dog expert and can spot a rotty from a mile away.
Yeah, I can admit that until late last year, I was guilty of only worrying about those "bad" breeds. But then a very close friend had her dog attacked & killed right in front of her by the friendly next door lab. You just never know.
2) My second question is real simple and one that relates to many of the questions I see asked in this forum. What if it were illegal to shoot two dogs attacking your dog? Would you stand by and watch little scruffy get eaten?
Well, until I was educated by this thread, I'd always thought it would be technically illegal to draw my weapon in defense of my property unless it was at night. Now I see that I'd misunderstood what the laws actually say. It is especially nice to know that there's a specific legal protection for killing a dog or coyote that is attacking my pet. It may seem like a no-brainer to some, but potentially becoming a felon gives me pause. I must admit that if given the choice between becoming a convicted felon along with losing my gun rights for life and losing my sweet dog (who I have come to love way more than I every thought I could), well, its not an easy choice. That's why in my mind I'd decided that if a dog were to attack my dog, I'd do whatever I could to put myself in the middle of the situation so that I could justify drawing my weapon because I was acting in self defense, rather than in defense of my property. Now that I've read up on the laws I won't hesitate to defend my cute little pooch from someone's charging dog.
This kind of conversation is what I appreciate most about this board. It allows us all to exchange thoughts and opinions and knowledge. It helps a relative CHL rookie like me learn from others that know more than I do.
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- by jrandyw
- Mon Mar 25, 2013 3:31 am
- Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
- Topic: CHL use in self defense against a dog?
- Replies: 44
- Views: 7965
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