wgoforth wrote:FuziDave wrote:FuziDave wrote:FuziDave wrote:I see the original post is over two years ago, and nothing has changed.
A few weeks ago I get a package in the mail from the NRA. You can tell there’s a DVD in it. Didn’t open it.
Now today I get a letter, “we sent you an DVD. Either pay $14 for it, or return it”.
Oh heck no! I’m going with option 3 – keep the unsolicited DVD and watch it…or not… and I still haven't opened it.
i've now gotten a "follow up" letter saying send it back or pay $14. oh, and the $14 goes to putting me on the list to receive new dvd's as they come out. so return it, or pay to get more dvd's you don't want. nice.
i'm still going with option 3.
I got a 3rd letter today demanding $
so i wrote up a little note...
"You have sent me an
unsolicited DVD.
Under the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970, I am neither obligated to pay for it, nor to return it.
If you persist in demanding payment, I will file a formal complaint with my local postmaster."
That's ridiculous. Just keep it, they can't do a thing, and maybe enough do they'll quite this stuff.
I received one of these DVD offers last week. I had read this thread before and knew that I was under no obligation to return the DVD. I read through the whole letter, and after all of the sales tactics trying to convince me to pay or send it back, I saw this:
NRA DVD Offer wrote: Because you didn't ask for this special DVD, you don't have to participate or send it back and can consider it a free gift. No questions asked.
Thank you, I will!