SewTexas wrote:why is a 3! year old going to school????? why???? he should be home!!!! being a baby!!!!! Mama, don't let the gov't schools get your baby before his time!!!!
ugh!!!! and people wondered why I started homeschool 15 years ago
Children that have some kind of illness/disability can receive needed benefits from an early childhood program through the age of three. At three, you begin to receive services through the school districts.
That being said, this school district is being ridiculous. Given that the young man's name is Hunter, I wouldn't be have been surprised if his name sign was a rifle, or shooting a bow and arrow. But his name sign is merely the letter "H". Someone needs to familiarize themselves with sign language. I'm wondering if they have any other deaf students in the district and if they are allowed to order Coca-Cola or Mountain Dew at football concession stands.