I for one do believe that this tragedy did occur as reported... a disturbed young man stole his mother's weapons, killed her, proceeded to the school, killed 26 people, and then killed himself. All that is believable and for the most part backed by evidence that has been made public. The part I don't buy into is the whole, it was done by an AR-15. As stated earlier, witnesses accounts state he had 2-4 handguns, not one do you see say he had a Bushmaster AR. The video footage of the police pulling a weapon from the trunk definitely looks like some sort of shotgun not an AR platform. The ME claiming he pulled numerous .223 rounds from the child victims is flat out unbelievable. I've seen what a 5.56 round does to an adult human on several occasion and all of those were at 25+ yards. This all happened at essentially point blank range. A .223 round would have gone straight through the kids there would have been nothing to pull out it would have been a through and through. The adults maybe (if it hit a bone), the kids no.
Feinstein is a tool, plain and simple. There is no doubt she had her proposed AWB drawn up and awaiting an event such as this. Its sad but true. She knew it wouldn't pass until there was a call for action from the public in the face of a tragedy.
The ban that Feinstein is proposing is essentially the 1994 AWB put in place by Clinton with some revamped language to eliminate loop holes. If she knew a damn thing about weapons she would understand that the 1994 AWB and her new proposed ban do not center around the lethality of a weapon but simply the looks. God I wish liberals would grow a brain.
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- by bauer
- Wed Jan 23, 2013 10:12 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Thoughts on the validity of the Sandy Hook shooting
- Replies: 57
- Views: 10121
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