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by equin
Thu Jul 27, 2023 4:13 pm
Forum: Holsters & Accessories
Topic: The 1911, My First Love
Replies: 33
Views: 31320

Re: The 1911, My First Love

Some really good suggestions on here, and I may be late to the game, but I’ll second TTGunleather and Don Hume holsters. I have both for my fullsize 1911. The TTGunleather is the “Mike’s Special” IWB which I’ve found to be really well made and surprisingly comfortable for being an IWB holster. The Don Hume is their OT721 OWB holster which is also very well made and designed to stay close to the body, including the grip.

The one thing I’ve noticed about carrying my 1911 OWB is that I still need a strong, thick gun belt to properly support the weight and keep it from bulging or flopping outward a bit, if that makes sense. The wider the belt (such as a 1.75” wide belt), the better for me in that regard, but then it makes it harder to fit the holster through it.

I also have a 1791 OWB holster that looks great and is built like a tank. I noticed that it tends to stick out a bit more than my Don Hume holster, though, but it also looks like the 1791’s leather is a bit thicker as well, which might explain the reason for that. Either way, mine looks like it’ll last a lifetime.

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