I probably should have elaborated a little. My wife isn't really a "shooter". She goes along with me because she knows I enjoy it and she knows I'm asking her to learn to shoot for her own good. It's probably worth mentioning that she's actually (usually) more accurate than I am, though I can get off more center mass shots shots in a short time.PaJ wrote:My wife and I go together more often than not as well. I mentioned The Well Armed Woman because she got a membership to the local chapter and a holster for her birthday a few weeks ago.
One of the daughters was initially totally "anti-gun" when her mother bought me my Glock for Christmas (she would regularly express concern about me carrying, though never quite to the point of telling me she didn't want me to). Her husband shared the concerns. Then, after about a year, he bought a gun too, "just to keep around the house". Then one day, out of the blue, he asked if I'd go to the range with him. I told him sure, that my wife and I would both join him, so he brought his wife. She wasn't going to shoot, then she got "interested", after watching us fire off a few shots (and, I think, especially after seeing her mom shoot more accurately than either of the guys). So, she asked to shoot a few. She fired off two rounds, missed the target completely, and said she didn't want to do any more. We gave her a few pointers, and convinced her to try a few more. She started hitting the target. Then she started hitting more accurately. Before the end of exhausting our range rounds, she was asking when we could come back.
That's why I think the first step is to make sure you let them know, you want them to come. Even if they don't seem overly interested in the beginning.
I don't think any of my4 daughters will ever become enthusiasts (even though the youngest was excited that she got a pink gun for Christmas); but at the very least, they've all now warmed up to the idea enough that they're willing to go to the range every few weeks. It's a good start.
I've also just about decided that no matter how dainty, dignified, or classy the female is, they all get tickled when they hit a shadow target in the crotch area. Almost scary...