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by Anonymous123
Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:10 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: WATAUGA, Texas - Home Invasion Suspect Shot
Replies: 29
Views: 3325

Re: WATAUGA, Texas - Home Invasion Suspect Shot

Crossfire wrote:
Anonymous123 wrote:And all of this makes perfect sense, but you do understand the point i'm trying to get across correct?
Yeah, I think we get it. You're 17. You still believe that everything you read in a news report is 100% true.

You aren't even CLOSE to old enough to have a Texas CHL, and yet you joined the Texas CHL Forum so that you could comment on this one thread.

You are trying to convict the homeowner, and you don't even understand the law.

So, what is your agenda here?
I understand that you're probably older and possess more knowledge than me, seeing as you're a CHL Instructor and what not.
But you have to see it from the other side of the fence, the situation is wrong regardless, the homeowner had every right.
My point is morality, i'm not trying to convict anybody, i'm just debating his claim of robbery and self-defense, because I strongly believe
that, that was not the case.
by Anonymous123
Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:06 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: WATAUGA, Texas - Home Invasion Suspect Shot
Replies: 29
Views: 3325

Re: WATAUGA, Texas - Home Invasion Suspect Shot

1. To state that I'm not just an older biased individual, not saying that older people are biased, but with this particular case it seems that the older favor that of the homeowner whilist not knowing the story, and to let you know that i'm rather an open non-opinionated person seeing through from both sides.

2. Because I think this case is utter bull, that a 16 year old is gonna go to prison for 5 - 99 years over a botched drug deal, when the homeowner is JUST as guilty. Maybe the suspect has a mitigating circumstance and was under the influence, which is something that seems to hold up in court today. He has completed a 47 day in-patient drug program and has turned his life around for the better regardless of the fact he is now disabled. It's not only more than obvious that he's not going to get himself into anymore situations, but that he's done something different on his OWN WILL, without the courts or anyone telling him to do so, and that's what correction is all about. But due to the law his life is pratically over if he gets sentenced accordingly. Regardless of these facts, YES he has broken the law, YES he deserves to be punished, but first offense and considering the circumstances of this case, they're going to be talking 10-20 years regardless cause its an AGGRAVATED case. He's going to be 30 or 40 years old when he truly begins to live, he's PARALYZED at 16, while these people CONTINUE to sell drugs and do illegal things while bragging about the situation. Where's the self-defense claim now? You're saying if someone comes into my home and pisses me off I can kill them or try to and brag about it?With the self-defense claim still standing?? Cause that's the case here. It aggravates me beyond belief!! Can you even fathom the fact of waking up to that?? There is nothing I can do, and I didn't come here to get bashed on by moderators and CHL owners. I just wanted to get a record of non-biased, non-opinonated, reactions and statements from general people.

3. Yes I do, To determine whether the Justice System actually CORRECTS the wrong and not just prolongs it by favoring one party over the other.

4.I live in the area, I know many people, The suspect and the homeowner. I have talked to the suspect who does not remember much but has disclosed to me bits of information that I cannot share because this case is still open. While the homeowner is still allowing his son to deal drugs out of the home and the father and son have bragged to several people how they got away with this and how great it was to shoot a young man and beat him after he was shot. Regardless of the fact, humans are humans, and indeed in biblical times it was an eye for an eye, today that is still my motto. But where is the morality in all this? There is none, The Judge and Jury will no doubt take not even a single point of interest in the suspects point of view, which is to be expected.

I just wanted to see how others would react being revealed to this side of the case, As you have only heard one side, the one on the news.
and to whoever saying I believe what is being said on the news, you sir are the one who is using facts from news articles yourself.
I AM educated in the law, don't get me wrong...
I am not here on a mission to make the homeowner look bad, I'm just simply stating both sides of the story
These posts will be my last post, for further questions email me at:
by Anonymous123
Mon Mar 12, 2012 9:18 pm
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: WATAUGA, Texas - Home Invasion Suspect Shot
Replies: 29
Views: 3325

Re: WATAUGA, Texas - Home Invasion Suspect Shot

And all of this makes perfect sense, but you do understand the point i'm trying to get across correct?
by Anonymous123
Mon Mar 12, 2012 11:23 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: WATAUGA, Texas - Home Invasion Suspect Shot
Replies: 29
Views: 3325

Re: WATAUGA, Texas - Home Invasion Suspect Shot

On the topic of the stance, The news report says that, the suspect TURNED facing, and ill say it again, facing the homeowner, and by then he had chosen to shoot,.
Why I had brought this up is because, why does the owner feel the need to falsify this claim, trying to justify his right for self-defense, when he has it regardless according to castle doctrine.
Meaning the homeowner more than likely did not shout a warning, prior to releasing the first shot.
Being said, makes the situation more suspicious as to what information or details the homeowner is guarding
Felony/Drug Charges = No gun in Texas. He should not even possess a firearm,. Neither condone the selling of drugs out of his residence, HE IS AWARE, of what his son is doing.
The point of all this is, There is no SET bad guy, both partys are in the wrong, 16 year old with a handgun is someones home is wrong regardless, but why let the drug dealer duo son and father get the justice and glorification of self-defense in this story. I strongly believe that this was a drug deal gone wrong, I have clarified the information from a LEO that there was no sign of forced entry to the home. So the Castle Doctrine can justify the shooting/killing of anybody just if they're on your property? Especially if you're a drug dealer? That is a very illegitimate claim and the law should be discluded if you're conducting illegal activities KNOWING that what you're doing and you are AWARE that you're family is in danger at all times due to criminal conduct. So now due to The State of Texas, the 16 year old is going to face 2-99 prison time, for more than likely a mutual agreement gone sour, while the drug dealer and home owner will continue to orchestrate such events. Justice 0, Morality 0, Criminals 1. I'm 17 years old by the way
by Anonymous123
Mon Mar 12, 2012 8:07 am
Forum: The Crime Blotter
Topic: WATAUGA, Texas - Home Invasion Suspect Shot
Replies: 29
Views: 3325

Re: WATAUGA, Texas - Home Invasion Suspect Shot

Theres more to it.
Homeowner possesed assault rifle of 7.62x39 or 7.62x54 caliber with criminal priors for drug possesions.
AK-47 or Mosin Nagant, possibly any other high calibered rifle.
The projectile entered through suspects chest through collar bone traveling in a sideways path and exited through right arm, blatantly showing that the suspect was standing sideways and did not turn to face the homeowner.
Son is well known drug dealer, extremely violent and dangerous.
IMO Castle law should be reamended to better suit special cases such as these, Criminal on Criminal crimes, no-one is innocent in this case.

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