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by Vol Texan
Mon Oct 09, 2017 12:53 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: A good waterproof gun safe?
Replies: 7
Views: 1685

Re: A good waterproof gun safe?

Everyone's situation is, of course, different, but I cannot imagine a situation where I needed to own a waterproof safe.

Now that being said, we were expecting flooding during Harvey, both here at home, and at my wife's store. Safeguarding the safe contents at home during the flood wasn't much of a concern - we had a plan in place to bug out with the important things if the water came our way (thank God it didn't).

But her store was a different thing. We live across town about 17 miles away, and we knew we might not be able to get there for an extended time. The store's safe needed a bit more protection.

As ELB mentioned above, most 'gun safes' are not really safes at all - they are really just residential security containers. But my wife has a jewelry store, and her safe's price point was north of $10,000. It's an absolute beast of a safe. It took ten men, two monks, and a circus clown to get that thing inside her store. You'd hope that by searching around that price point that it would be waterproof, but not so much.

But we'd had her safe for 10 years now, and this was the first time we really thought we needed waterproofing. So, off to Home Depot I went, and one half hour later, we had a waterproofed safe for less than $10, thanks to a little hillbilly engineering.

So I ask you to consider - how often do you expect to need waterproofing? If flooding is a regular occurrence, then you might want to go down that path, but if security is a bigger concern, and every once in a while you experience a 1000-year flood event, you might do better to spend your $$ on a better safe, and keep an $10 emergency waterproofing kit (similar to the one I employed above) handy when the next hurricane hits.

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