JMRA was only quoting an oft-repeated cry that we hear all too often. It was not directed toward you, nor is it sarcastic, since it is said so often here, and by the antis.LuvtheU.S. wrote:Mr. Texan you are correct It was my first post, I read and picked up a great deal of very good info from many of you, before I joined this forum. The reason I joined was to participate in the discussions. The reason I picked that particular thread was because I know a little about the atmosphere on school campus's and felt I could contribute. I stated my reasons. Concerning the data that you mentioned so far as I know no CHL holder on any school campus anywhere has thwarted a catastrophe. I did not call anyone a simpleton I said life must be simple if you believe that you are right and I am wrong because that's the way you see it. When Mr. Jmra said hallways with rivers of blood running down them and people were wrong then and now. I found that sarcastic and arrogant.
Rivers of blood is what the anti-gunners claim will happen everywhere that gun laws are 'relaxed' - if not an exact quote, then definitely implied far too often. When CHL was allowed, this was the prophesy here in Texas, and we proved them wrong. Same thing in Illinois, but the crime rate in Chicago has gone DOWN since the CHL law was passed.