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by jdkinman
Thu May 24, 2012 11:27 pm
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: With Charles' blessing. . .
Replies: 25
Views: 7809

Re: With Charles' blessing. . .

The print edition is now available at Amazon, and will be available at Barnes & Noble (online) and others in around four or so weeks I'm told.

Here is the link to it at Amazon: ... 691&sr=8-2

Hardback with a dust-cover was going to be cost-prohibitive in my opinion at an MSRP of $34.99. I opted to go with a premium size softback (6x9) full-color wrapped cover for a bit under half that price. Easy to read with eleven-point Times-New Roman typeface on white paper with more than adequate margins.

I'm getting set up to sell signed copies (same price plus whatever shipping costs) on my blog/website. It'll be two or so weeks before that is all good to go.

Additionally, I've had some folks here and on other Texas gun-forum groups ask about having a book-signing. What I'd rather do--and will be seeing if I can work with Charles on this--is have a NRA and TSRA membership drive at a local gun range where we can also do a book-signing and maybe host a gun-bloggers meet and have some BBQ catered in. I already have an excellent caterer who'll throw in on this, and I'm almost positive I have an indoor range who would be more than happy to host something like this.

It'd be nice to meet, shoot, drool over some guns and have some good BBQ while putting faces with names and personalities.

by jdkinman
Fri May 04, 2012 10:04 pm
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: With Charles' blessing. . .
Replies: 25
Views: 7809

Re: With Charles' blessing. . .

jimlongley wrote:And thank you for that. I haven't even started the book yet, I have another one to finish first, but it is encouraging to look forward to having a protagonist who doesn't "Click off the safety" on his GLOCK or thing like that.
Heh heh heh.

Robert Ludlum put a "silencer" on a revolver and Lee Child put a safety on a revolver.

I'm a HUGE fan of revolvers, but us wheelgun types just seem to be misunderstood. In my book, I have FOUR distinct cases of CHL holders using revolvers to defend themselves. My wife carries a S&W .38 Airweight and my adopted daughter wants a pink S&W Lady Smith (guess what she's getting for Christmas this year along me paying for her CHL class? She turns 21 in a couple of weeks and we continue to work on her shooting, situational awareness and when/where she will be able to legally carry a concealed firearm with a CHL.)

My other pet-peeve is when writers use "clip" instead of magazine as in, "he quickly slammed in another 50 round clip in the Uzi and continued spraying the bad guys with one hand, firing his automatic sawed-off shotgun in the other hand." "rlol"

You can take a lot of liberties in fiction, but not THAT many. . .

by jdkinman
Fri May 04, 2012 10:10 am
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: With Charles' blessing. . .
Replies: 25
Views: 7809

Re: With Charles' blessing. . .

The Annoyed Man wrote:
jdkinman wrote:I myself am a former competitive swimmer
Don't know about you, but my knees and shoulders took a beating. Started swimming at age 5 in AAU. By the time I was in the TAGS 10-12 age group, I was swimming the 200IM and 100 butterfly half the meets, then in the 13-14 age group, started swimming the 200 freestyle and 500 freestyle. Distance events and butterfly--that will wreck your shoulders and knees. Playing baseball (catcher) only exacerbated the damage.

I sound like a bad bown of Rick Crispies when I get out of bed (snap, crackle, pop).

by jdkinman
Thu May 03, 2012 10:44 pm
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: With Charles' blessing. . .
Replies: 25
Views: 7809

Re: With Charles' blessing. . .

The Annoyed Man wrote:
MOA wrote: Well, I've nearly finished the book, and there are some average ordinary Americans who have heroic roles in the story. Dillon Cole is some kind of ninja god, but there are a few regular folks with concealed carry licenses who acquit themselves very well with a number of different kinds of handguns and a 12 gauge pump gun in one case. They just don't have as prominent a role as Cole does as the primary protagonist.

Hi Annoyed Man and fellow DFW-metro-madness inhabiter,

Dillon's not really a ninja-god as he only has two physical encounters in the book (the second one being in the very last chapter). In the back-county pool hall/beer joint, his opening two moves are actually moves taught to us in SERE school way back in the late 70's. The third move is just an old fashioned bar-brawl move, and the last is a basic arm-bar hold/submission hold and one of the first submission holds I learned in judo back when I was in junior high.

His other physical encounter is in the water and trust me, even an old competitive swimmer like myself can't do karate moves in the water--that is a whole nother environment! We used to play water-polo in the off-season and you learn every dirty trick in the book and I DID employ a couple of those in the final scene. ;-)

The main character is a good shot, however, but gives credence to the old line of "Excuse me, how do you get to Carnegie Hall?"

"Practice, son. Practice."

I shot a lot of IPSC during my LE days and I saw some other-worldly shooters, even in the LE world. I'll tell ya right here and right now, the US Secret Service boys and girls can just flat well shoot! So can the Mississipi Highway Patrol. And back in the day (mid/late 80's, I remember being in a LE match with some McKinney PD officers who were shooting their issue S&W Model 29s in a four-inch barrel loaded with factory .44 Specials. . . THOSE boys could dang well shoot!

Dillon Cole is a retired advertising executive, so strategy and tactics are a strength of his, along with presentation skills and power of persuasion. His "legendary" status in LE came from finding three Top 15 fugitives, which in that line of work with the USMS is like winning the Super Bowl three times. But you find and catch those guys with brains, not brawn, so combined with his friends and former boss at the NRA's ad/pr agency, Cole helps "keep the skeer up" in seeing the big picture of gun-owners and CHL holders holding and defending the line.

One of my primary objectives when writing Above Reproach was to portray gun-owners as the good guys and demonstrate that there are still law enforcement folks who see gun-owners as not just the good guys, but the most integral defense against all enemies (foreign/domestic) that we have. This is displayed in the incident in Pocatello, Idaho when the cops congratulate the CHL holders who stopped a shooting before it even started.

But most of all, I just wanted to write something that was fun to read and made you feel GOOD about being a gun-owner, CHL holder and defender of the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. :txflag:

by jdkinman
Tue May 01, 2012 7:26 pm
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: With Charles' blessing. . .
Replies: 25
Views: 7809

Re: With Charles' blessing. . .

ScooterSissy wrote:
jimlongley wrote:Got my (electronic) copy, now if I can figure out how to get an electronic autograph . . .
I heard that! I'm hoping Mr Kinman comes back to the site and lets us know when he's doing book signings. I'm even willing to buy a hard copy just for that. Got a place for right next to the signed copies of Decision Ponits and Going Rogue.
I actually lurk here quite a bit and have for a long time--got a lot of very valuable information before I got my CHL some years ago. The forum was a LOT smaller back then, but this is one example of when explosive growth is an AWESOME thing!

Signings work a couple of ways. When the print edition comes out, I'll be selling signed editions from my website and as I told Charles (and other CHL and gun forum owners/moderators), I'll also be donating signed copies for fundraisers.

The other way is I've printed up 5 x7s of the books' cover and signed those--either on the front or on the back, depending on the reader's preference.

I've had two gun stores ask me for posters of the cover, so I had my cover artist make me up a high-resolution 600dpi file for a 16 x 20 poster.

I'll probably sign a couple and send them to the two anti-gun groups that have been sending me "love mail" for the past few weeks and promising bad reviews. :lol: But I knew THAT was going to happen. . .

Several more books will be coming out before next year's TSRA annual meeting, and my wife and I are buying a booth at the meeting for next year and hopefully we'll get a chance to meet a lot of you there.

I can't tell you how much your enthusiasm for the book means to me. It is VERY much appreciated.


J.D. Kinman
by jdkinman
Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:18 pm
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: With Charles' blessing. . .
Replies: 25
Views: 7809

Re: With Charles' blessing. . .

The Annoyed Man wrote:I just bought it. I was kind of looking around for something to read, having just completed the excellent "EFAD" trilogy and "Castigo Cay".

I bought and read v-rog's book too. It is a labor of love to get a book out.
I'm on the first EFAD (Mathew Bracken), and as a former federal lawman, I'm seeing some traits and characteristics in the early parts (especially with them being so close to DC) that is unnerving. VERY unnerving. And he wrote that book quite a while back. . .

by jdkinman
Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:21 pm
Forum: Books & Videos
Topic: With Charles' blessing. . .
Replies: 25
Views: 7809

With Charles' blessing. . .

Charles has graciously allowed me to pitch my latest novel, Above Reproach, here on the forum. In its first seventy-two hours, the book went international with sales happening in Canada, Mexico, Peru, Argentina, Brazil, the UK, France, Italy, Australia and New Zealand. At last report, we've recorded sales in South Africa, Greece, Slovakia, Poland, Costa Rico, Honduras and Panama.

An e-mail I received from an Australian reader told me he was putting it on his gun club's must read list as it is a "blueprint for what could happen in Australia as easily as it happened in America" and that "every member of the Australian parliament should be required to read it--right after every member of the American government read it."

Borders/Australia then picked up the book and is selling it on their website.

My background--I served in the USAF then later in federal law enforcement, and after graduate school (post law enforcement), I went to work for Ackerman McQueen, the ad/pr agency who did the lion's share of work for the National Rifle Association in the late 80's and 90's. During that time, I developed, wrote, contributed to, worked on and was involved in a host of ILA activities and projects. My fondest jobs and memories were of writing speeches for Wayne LaPierre, James Jay Baker and Charlton Heston. One of the highest honors I've ever experienced was for Mr. Heston to refer to me as his friend. Like all gun-owners, his death saddened me beyond words.

Above Reproach is a thriller set throughout the United States, but unlike typical thrillers written by my favorite authors (Tom Clancy, Vince Flynn, Brad Thor, et al), my thriller does not have a CIA/SEAL/Delta/Recon Marine super-hero bullet-proof antagonist as its hero who saves the day and saves America.

Instead, the hero is the average ordinary American who exercises their Second Amendment rights, and in particular by being a CHL holder.

Here is the description found the description pages:
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." (Benjamin Franklin)

An exiled Iranian operating out of Damascus is taking aim at the one thing the United States holds most precious—her freedom. Launching a blitzkrieg of mass shootings in cities across the country, Muhannad Qasim knows the urban dwellers and the media will blame the Second Amendment for the carnage and then relentlessly pressure lawmakers to stifle Americans’ right to arm and defend themselves. The master terrorist understands that a citizenry unarmed is at the complete mercy of its government—and he has spent years carefully seeding the U.S. Media and government with influential officials sympathetic to his views.

Qasim’s plan is working beautifully until one of his cells runs headlong into the wrong man.

Dillon Cole is a combat veteran and former U.S. Marshal who became a legend in the law enforcement community. After marrying, he hung up his guns and began a new career as a business executive, never looking back. But when he finds himself suddenly caught in the middle of a shooting inside a college student union in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Dillon fights back, killing three of the terrorists and saving untold lives.

His heroics ignite a nationwide firestorm of resistance to the ongoing attacks as well as the attacks on the Constitution. But as Americans begin to fight back, Dillon now finds himself in a fight for his own life as the terrorists will stop at nothing to kill him, including going after his wife and newly adopted daughter. No longer constrained by the rules of his former profession, Dillon Cole takes the fight to the attackers, turning the hunters into the hunted.

The e-book version is $5.99 and is available in epub format through Sony E-Bookstore, Mobi format for the Kindle and is available through Amazon. The book is also available through Kobo and Borders/Australia. I believe that Kobo will also download you a PDF if you do not have an e-reader. You can download Calibre for free and it will convert any format to any other format and turn your computer into a true e-reader complete with flipping pages, scrolling text, text to speech and more. In the upcoming days, it is being picked up by the Apple iBookstore and Barnes & Noble. The print edition will be $15.99 and will be available by Memorial Day weekend.

Thanks and best regards,

J.D. Kinman
Dallas, Texas

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