Of course we only see the media publicizing gun violence- which is as biased as reporting death by boomerangs in Oz
The below link is to a study done by European Survey on Crime and Safety(EU ICS) and has an association with the UN. Interestingly I havent found a category specifically for homicide.
Read the Preface before reading the study.
The four countries with the highest overall
prevalence victimisation rates in 2004 are Ireland, England & Wales, New
Zealand and Iceland3. Other countries with comparatively high victimisation
rates are Northern Ireland, Estonia, the Netherlands, Denmark,
Mexico, Switzerland and Belgium. All these countries have overall victimisation
rates that are statistically significantly higher than the average of
the 30 participating countries. The USA, Canada, Australia and Sweden
show rates near the average. Compared to past results, they have dropped
several places in the ranking on overall victimisation.
Check page Overall victimisation for 10 crimes p. 43 -45, Robbery & Robbery by Contact 71-75, Assaults & Threats p.81-82, Reporting of 5 Types of crime p. 110