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by Jim Beaux
Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:46 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: CHL Day 1 and Shooting on my Street
Replies: 14
Views: 2879

Re: CHL Day 1 and Shooting on my Street

Welcome to the forum Flo. It's obvious that you are a novice and need our guidance.

I give you an "F". Yes buddy, you failed big time. Sub par reaction all the way... pay attention now cuz everyone here is snickering at you. You need to step it up & get your A game on or turn in your man card.

During this incident you never once thought to take tactical advantage. Yes siree, Im tawkin the high ground. You should have looked your wife straight in the eyes and said, "dear, this is why our household needs 11-20.... heck, maybe a few dozen more guns! .....just in case ya know?" :coolgleamA: During this stressful time she would have agreed! Now you are reduced to groveling and begging :cryin for your next just gotta have new guns. Man-O-Man....

As of now, :rules: consider yourself on double secret probation. "rlol"

Seriously, glad you and the family are safe.

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