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by lbuehler325
Sat May 26, 2012 11:55 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: U.S. Senate Race
Replies: 31
Views: 6228

Re: U.S. Senate Race

I didn't intend to knock on Cruz or Levin. I was only pointing out the utter contradiction of claiming the 2A is of supreme importance and then talk up an endorsement from somebody who's also endorsed the biggest anti-gunner Republican governor in our nation's history. Seems a bit short-sighted to me.

Acknowledging the fact that Cruz is a far better choice than Dewhurst, I still contest that a strict Constitutionalist and liberty candidate is the best choice for those of us who want our federal government limited to its Constititutionally authorized roles (including not infringing upon our right to own/carry/use firearms).

I will say that if Addison were not in the race, it would be Cruz, hands down. I just question his integrity (remember, he is a lawyer, and one who's spent his life either as a corporate or government one at that... just a step above ambulance chasers) and who he answers to (which is why I lean heavily toward Addison). I guess I just live in a world of right and wrong, trying to stay out of the grey areas whenever possible.
by lbuehler325
Sat May 26, 2012 1:12 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: U.S. Senate Race
Replies: 31
Views: 6228

Re: U.S. Senate Race

Slowplay wrote:
Bullwhip wrote:I thought I was for Ted Cruz for a long time, even overlooked the whole Goldman Sachs thing (his firm represents them, his wife is a VP), then he started bragging about Mark Levin endorsing him. Seriously, I can't think of any neocon more vile than Mark Levin, wants to bomb everyone.

Thats' when I found Addison. He's' not polling good, not getting publicity, but I'm voting my conscience for Glenn Addison.
Thanks - you have reinforced my support for Cruz.

Paulbots and liberals call Mark Levin the pejorative "neocon" (which is funny, because Mark Levin has voiced opposition to many of the overseas interventions/actions by the Obama admin, often in agreement w/ Ron Paul). Levin's Landmark Legal Foundation has also been on the front lines fighting Obamacare, filing amicus briefs early & often. Sorry, can't take your opposition to Ted Cruz seriously.

Serious question - what has Addison done to defend the 2nd Amendment?

I know what Ted Cruz has done (District of Columbia v. Heller).
That's a lot of love for Mark Levin. Isn't this the same guy who supports Romney (one of the two worst of the original Republican candidates with respect to the 2nd Amendment), and then ask about Addison's stance on 2A. With respect to the 2A, I can respect what Cruz has done and the position he's taken. As a strict Constitutionalist though, I would imagine Addison will be a strong defender of our 2A rights.
by lbuehler325
Fri May 25, 2012 11:51 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: U.S. Senate Race
Replies: 31
Views: 6228

Re: U.S. Senate Race

None of the above, Another candidate is missing from the list. Glenn Addison is the strongest proponent of the Constitution.
From his website," onclick=";return false;

"Glenn's campaign centers around his message of restoring the U.S. Constitution as supreme law of the land. In order for this to be achieved, we must repeal vast amounts of destructive Federal legislation and eliminate unconstitutional departments and agencies. Glenn believes that it is crucial that state sovereignty be restored as the Federal Government, in its arrogance, has forgotten who created whom. We must restore "federalism" as it was originally intended: recognizing the sovereignty of the states and the very limited role of the Federal Government."

Anti-Texas income tax
Anti-Federal income tax (wants to phase it out)
Constitutional foreign policy, stop sending aid to our enemies, stop going to war for the UN and Europe
Get rid of multiple federal agencies

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