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by Skiprr
Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:59 pm
Forum: Self-Defense Reports
Topic: TX: Fed-up homeowner shoots would be thief neighbor in the groin
Replies: 17
Views: 4370

Re: TX: Fed-up homeowner shoots would be thief neighbor in the groin

The Annoyed Man wrote:
WTR wrote:One Range Officer I knew recommended the pelvic girdle to stop a person . He emphasized "breaking bone".
There is a LOT going on inside the pelvic girdle, and while you might well break bone, it may not be necessary. The descending aorta bifurcates into the two femoral arteries. The internal structures of the genitalia and urinary tract. The ascending and descending colon. Major nerves. Etc., etc. Put a bullet into someone's bladder, and the spasms alone ought to drop them like a microphone. Hit a sciatic, femoral, or pudendal nerve, and the fight's probably over.
Okay, TAM. You're now retired. Go write those novels you've been dreaming about since you were 14.

I'm very, very serious. :mrgreen:
by Skiprr
Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:41 pm
Forum: Self-Defense Reports
Topic: TX: Fed-up homeowner shoots would be thief neighbor in the groin
Replies: 17
Views: 4370

Re: TX: Fed-up homeowner shoots would be thief neighbor in the groin

The Annoyed Man wrote:
Skiprr wrote:.....but since TAM (and others on the Forum) had to stand on a range several years ago for an hour listening to me pontificate on the subject.....
And you should know that I've never forgotten either the demonstration, or the lesson. In fact, TAW and I were talking about it just a few days ago. That, and the "get off the X" exercise we did that day.
The demonstration in which some smartalec in the class had years of Shotokan experience? ;-)

TAW was in that class? And I didn't know enough to even say "hello"? Arrrgh!

Please tell your lovely wife--whom I met but didn't know it--that I hope we all might meet again.
by Skiprr
Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:12 pm
Forum: Self-Defense Reports
Topic: TX: Fed-up homeowner shoots would be thief neighbor in the groin
Replies: 17
Views: 4370

Re: TX: Fed-up homeowner shoots would be thief neighbor in the groin

Just a note that, if my handgun has to be deployed while I'm at manual-engagement range (i.e., "bad breath distance"), the pelvic girdle is going to be my primary target. Several solid reasons for this, but since TAM (and others on the Forum) had to stand on a range several years ago for an hour listening to me pontificate on the subject--and I don't want to make them suffer again--suffice it to say that I think the old "rock and lock" pistol presentation technique went out with disco. That the pistol is going to stay pressed against my ribcage, unsighted, indexed at a point somewhere between the bad guy's navel and the top of his thighs until I can extricate myself by at least five feet.

Not knowing more about the specifics of the incident, it may very well be that the homeowner went through some of the same training as me during the last 15 years. It sounds ludicrous for that to be a sighted shot (ignoring Hollywood) but could quite realistically happen at contact distances. I wonder how many rounds were fired?

Thank you once again, Houston Chronicle, for giving us nothing but a headline and about 100 vacuous words that tell us next to nothing...then failing to follow-up on the next-to-nothing over a day later.

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