We do. But since each references a different Facebook post--and the subsequent scores of bizarre comments--I think they can stay as separate Forum Topics.Vol Texan wrote:It seems we have two very similar threads running: this one and /viewtopic.php?f=94&t=73533
BTW, it may be baffling and even painful, but I do recommend everyone take the time to try to read through the comments. You won't be surprised at the pile-on, reactionary emotionality of the left, but you may be surprised at the complete lack of information--even misinformation--and at what has caused this fervor over a law that's been quietly and effectively on the books in Texas since the 75th Legislative session in 1997, and amended only slightly in 1999 and 2003.
Maybe the majority of gun owners need to start wearing T-shirts that read, "Primum Non Nocere," a fundamental worldwide healthcare principle: "First, do no harm."