His first post on this Forum. And it was a good one.
If you didn't read his entire post, please do so.
Your reply, clearly, was based only upon the Subject line.
Dig deeper...
AEA wrote:I don't "need" an AR-15. I bought one because I wanted one and I legally could.
I don't "need" 30 round mags. I bought 20 because I wanted 20 and I legally could.
I don't "need" 1000 rounds of ammo. I bought 1000 rounds because I wanted it and I legally could.
I don't "need" the CompM4 red dot sight that the Military uses. I bought one because I wanted it and I legally could.
I don't "need" a bayonet fitted to my AR. I bought 2 because I wanted them and I legally could. (to freak out the Libs) :
What I DO NEED is for FOOLS to stop INFRINGING on my Constitutional RIGHTS!