Three of us. I realize mine may be an isolated experience, but it's not one I plan to repeat. Their customer service has always been willing to receive and work on the pistol, but each time it's come back, the only explanation of the work performed was "parts replaced." Not which parts, or why, just "parts replaced." So I'd rate that as uncommunicative, especially since I still have an unreliable pistol after its two round trips to Florida. Each time it was returned, it shot okay for a couple of dozen rounds, then started failing to ignite primers again. (Just FYI, firing pin never looked bent, wasn't broken, and the gun has never been dry fired other than when necessary to release the hammer.)flintknapper wrote:That would make two of us.longtooth wrote:Yes sir.
The best thing I could hope to do with it would be to donate it to a local gang member in the hopes he would carry a gun that would never fire.