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by gregthehand
Tue Aug 05, 2008 10:33 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Pulled over in Plano
Replies: 29
Views: 4026

Re: Pulled over in Plano

Venus Pax wrote: Not long ago, an LEO poster suggested that we not dig around until the LEO is at our window requesting these documents, as he/she could get nervous about the driver's digging around. It was recommended that we put our hands on the steering wheel so that it would be obvious that our hands weren't digging for other items.
Which is best: to have DL, CHL, and insurance card ready when LEO arrives to your window, or to keep your hands on the steering wheel until these documents are requested?
Thats why I said I keep mine right in front of me so there is no digging around. Flip down the visor and pull out my insurance, and then reach into my wallet and get out my Dl and CHL....

by gregthehand
Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:47 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Pulled over in Plano
Replies: 29
Views: 4026

Re: Pulled over in Plano

As a note from someone who has conducted traffic stops, I keep everything (insurance, ID, CHl) as close to my seat as I can. I keep my CHL and DL in my wallet of course and then I keep my insurance and registration (Louisiana company truck) in my sun visor pocket. That way I don't have to go digging around.

Have all this out with your CHL on top in your hand out-stretched from your window with your dome light on. I HATED it when someone had to dig around for an insurance card in different locations. First it made me nervous as to what they might pull out. Second they knew I would need it when I walked up so why not have it ready? Instead I have to stand beside your car while traffic wizes by waiting on you. Most people wouldn't even have their DL ready when I approached. I hated that. Having everything ready and not having to dig around for it while the cop waits on you goes a long way. :thumbs2:

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