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by thenick_ttu
Sat Sep 08, 2018 10:57 am
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Accessing juvinile records
Replies: 6
Views: 7510

Re: Accessing juvinile records

I was in a bit of a similar situation. I applied for my CHL when I was around 30. Before I turned 21, I had a couple MIPs and a DUI, including a night in the city jail for one of the MIPs. (BTW, I've had no problems with the law since I turned 21.)

When I applied for my CHL, I couldn't remember the exact dates of my offenses. So on my application I just put general time frames such as "MIP - Summer 2001, XXX County" or "Arrested for MIP, Fall 2003, XXX City". I am about 95% certain that I did NOT obtain any documentation from the city regarding my arrest and I'm 100% sure I did not provide any documentation regarding the other items that did not involve an arrest. I just filled out all of the questions as truthfully and thoroughly as I could remember.

I never received any push back or questions from the State and I did eventually receive my CHL, although it took about 1 month longer than my wife to get hers (she has a spotless record).

I'm not saying you shouldn't get documentation and there will be plenty of people on here that will insist you must get documentation from the city/county. I'm just here to say that wasn't a requirement in my experience.

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