NcongruNt wrote:The Air Force considers it an alternative to deadly force." onclick=";return false;Odin wrote:NcongruNt wrote:
Says the company who designed it. At least that's how it was promoted and sold to LE agencies.
I can't find any evidence of that on their website or in any of the LE publications that I read. All of their advertising calls the device a less lethal device used to safely control subjects. You don't use deadly force to control, you use deadly force to stop. I don't have any of the original "Air Taser" advertisements from the early 90's available to me and I don't remember the specifics of the ads back then, so maybe they did initially advertise it as an alternative to deadly force, but they certainly have not made that claim in recent years. Their advetising, and the traning officers receive in the use of the Taser, is geared towards control of subjects that would be more dangerous for the officer to go hands on with.
A Taser has never been the cause of death of any person and should not be considered deadly force.
I don't have the time for further research right now, but I'll see what I can find later.
Nowhere in that story does it state that the Air Force considers a Taser an "alternative to deadly force". The journalist who wrote the story characterized it that way, but the statements by Air Force officials did not. We should all be aware that journalists create headlines, and even "facts", to suit their story. How many times do I read in the Dallas Morning News that an officer fired his "service revolver" in a shooting, when in fact the officer fired a Sig P226?
The Air Force described a Taser as a "non-lethal way to subdue subjects who act aggressively or continue to resist arrest". Typically, an officer does not use a non-lethal method when lethal force is called for, and never should an officer use lethal force when a non-lethal response was called for.
A Taser is a tool used to control resistant subjects, not a tool used to stop a lethal threat. Anytime an officer feels that his life is in danger and he needs to stop the threat he should use deadly force to stop the threat if the use of non-lethal force would subject the officer to potential death. A Taser is not a replacement for a firearm.