NguyenVanDon wrote:
The LEO here just warn the entire neighborhood about this. I think if someone tries to do this again, no matter if its a 16 yrs old kid, do what you think its right on your property. Especially when it's a night and someone is burglarizing your property. This is not coming from the word of my mouth, but the words from the Arlington Police Officers.
I think the point is that a 16 year old kid...assuming they aren't wielding a weapon against you, is pretty much defenseless. At that point you face a question, is ending the kid's life going to do anything productive? Will it gain you anything? What do you stand to lose by doing this?
You're going to feel horrible about killing someone when you could of spared them.
Their parents are going to be devastated and will likely sue you.
You'll cause more damage to your car then they would have.
You stand a chance of going to court anyway.
Your bullets could miss and strike an innocent person.
If the person is still alive then you can maybe receive compensation from them.
Just because you are allowed to doesn't mean you should.
In your situation had I heard them breaking in, my blood would be boiling too. I would of called the cops and told them that someone had broken into my car and was still inside. At that point I would either stay inside, or confront them. If I did go outside it would be with a shotgun, there would be a lot of yelling, and they would be given a chance to hit the deck. If they managed to escape then they get away, if they hit the deck then they'll be there until police arrive, if they came at me then I'd have no issues doing what had to be done.
But just shooting someone because I was mad about them breaking into my car is pretty unacceptable IMO.