OK, ammo is like ANY OTHER COMMODITY. The price goes UP, and DOWN, based on the rules of economics. For those of you who didn't learn this; it's SUPPLY verses DEMAND. When SUPPLY is HIGH, and DEMAND is LOW, as it's been since Trump killed the Hilldebeast; Ammo, and gun prices have been LOW for the past few years. TIME TO STOCK UP.
Once uncertainty starts creeping in again leading up to an election year, folks get a bit uneasy. THEN, this gift to the Democrats occurs, and ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE. All of the Noobs who used to hate guns see the store shelves empty, and realize that OH _______, there might be food riots, and I NEED A GUN. THEN, all of the folks who have been sitting fat, dumb and happy thinking they didn't have to worry about ammo or gun prices again realize that we're about to go back into the Obama days and freak out and start buying up everything they were thinking about buying for the last three years. So PRICES GO THROUGH THE ROOF and SUPPLY dries up....
The result is, as you would expect, once again if you had ANY understanding of economics, STOCK SHORTAGES, and HUGE price increases. Supply and Demand Folks....
I've been buying from SGAMMO for many years. Actually just bought a bit of defensive ammo for my little pocket revolver at the same price they charged BEFORE this mess. They are honest, efficient, and fair. UNLIKE Cheaper than Dirt - may THEY go out of business sooner vs. later. I've also bought from other sellers, based on their price and reliability to deliver what I was looking to buy.
If you can find a cheaper place, then absolutely go buy from them. That's what Capitalism and our market economy is all about - THANK GOD..... Every seller and their distributors get different ammo in at different prices all of the time, so absolutely get your best deal, but don't trash a legitimate company for raising their prices when their suppliers jack up their prices to reflect supply and demand.
Not to rub it in, but, if you didn't learn your lesson in the Obama years and stocked up while guns and ammo where at their lowest prices in the last decade or so under Trump, you have NO right to whine about what it costs to buy it now, IF you can even find it.
If you're still with me in this long post, and if you want to make sure this isn't a PERMANENT situation, or WORSE, recruit EVERYONE you know to go out and vote for Trump in November. Like him or not, he's absolutely been putting America first and working to reverse our slide toward Socialism. The alternative is the end of America as we know it, and the absolute LOSS of our Second Amendment and most of the other RIGHTS we have under the Constitution.
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- by bagman45
- Sun Apr 19, 2020 3:05 am
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Preferred online ammo dealer
- Replies: 30
- Views: 16108
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