Sounds to me like you have a Guardian Angel and are Very Lucky to be alive.
You knew he was a creep.
You let him onto the property with you on a ladder.
You let him get within gun grabbing distance.
He ran towards you and you advanced towards him rather than stepback to get room and get into a proper stance.
What if he had brought a gun - say an AK - and had emerged from the truck with it? With you on the ladder and your GF inside?
Or once it went to H2H he had produced a knife? Or pinned you and then drew your gun? Or just pounded you with blows?
At EVERY point in the encounter he piled up advantage after advantage, but because he was an unskilled fighter, did not want to win, was not fit and you had a slight physical advantage, you won. Barely.
If it had been me, once off the ladder, I would have disenganged, stepped back and drawn my knife and gone into a stance, then started working him back.
Better yet, I would have been inside, doors locked, his stuff on the curb.
Some comments:
AIWB vs VM2 is a much better solution if you plan to or like to go H2H. You can protect AIWB a lot easier, its a faster draw, you can get to it with either hand, and its a lot easier to get to if you are grounded.
A knife on your person is a less-lethal alternative. It also trumps more things than a gun does. Sounds like you would enjoy using a knife.
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- by austin
- Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:51 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Had my first "incident" since getting my card a decade ago
- Replies: 84
- Views: 16015
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