Finally getting some time to post these. Like many, it took lots of experimenting ( and money! ) to get just the right combination that works for me.
It's a Glock 19 G4. Tried the S&W 642, and liked it. But even with that in the pocket, I still had to wear suspenders. So my reasoning was, if I have to wear suspenders anyway, why not carry the G19, which is my favorite, and what I shoot best with by far.
Anyway, this wearing the 5.11 Tactical shirt, size XL (my usual size)
And this, a shebak from, size XXL. They recommended ordering a size larger than normal, and I'm glad I did. It's a bit too big, but the XL would have been too small. (I'm 5'7" by the way). It looks a bit peculiar to me. I guess that's because it's cut differently than anything I'm used to. I do like having the extra pockets. I guess it looks like maybe a lab coat, or possibly a janitor's dust jacket. I've not noticed anyone staring at it when I've been out, so I guess it doesn't attract much attention.
Finally, here is a closeup of the Crossbreed Snapslide I use - that has to be one of my best investments so far! It's really very comfortable (I can't wear IWB). I placed it beside a Glock Sport Holster, and also a Crossbreed Minislide cut for a Kahr PM/CM9. Notice the surface area of the leather compared to the Sport holster. No wonder there's such a comfort difference.