Dadtodabone wrote:Turn the gas off?
I spent an unseemly amount of ducats to have an "Uninterruptible Supply of Clean Natural Gas" plumbed into the Kohler electricity machine with self testing and starting gizmos, that my wife insisted we have in the event of a "Major Disaster!", to avoid the need for standing in lines for "other fuels" that probably won't be available, because there won't be any electricity to run the pumps, or the gas truck man didn't come to work and the LPG company doesn't have power either, so that's why he didn't come to work, and while WE could just "Camp Out" in the house, now that the grand kids have moved to Texas (not my daughter and SIL, the grand kids)they need to have fresh foods, and a functioning HVAC unit and LIGHT and my new DIL could become pregnant at any time and aren't we concerned about her comfort in that event, and our baby can't be safe in those loft apartments downtown so of course she'll be staying at home too, and think of the laundry that will have to be done, and do I really think the Laundromats will have power and the "Tide" disaster relief truck won't be within 50 mile of our house, do I really want to throw out all that "no cost because we hunt" $100 a pound game in the freezer when it thaws?
Turn the gas off?
Anyone who tries that around here better be armed and have backup!
Yes, please explain ths gas off thing.