Yes you are correct it is in the declaration. It was late when I wrote it. I should have read through it more carefully before I submitted it. You don't like my opinion so you twist what I say. What I said was pass a law against it, then you will push the practice underground where more than 1 life will be at jeopardy. I'm not saying this is an easy issue to decide. As I see it both sides jeopardize a life.sjfcontrol wrote:Hmm, so passing laws against an activity, won't stop that activity. And therefore we shouldn't have those laws? How does that not apply to ANY law. Also, when quoting the "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" part of the Declaration of Independence (not the constitution), please note that the FIRST item in the list is "Life". Without life, the other two "unalienable rights" are irrelevant.
Correction: Constitution..."Secure the blessings of liberty"