Excellent questions. Couple of thoughts for your consideration. Anybody can claim to be part of any religion. Others may disagree with their claim but the is no way to change the belief of those who claim it. Some claim things for ideologic reasons, some for personal or political gain but the claim itself becomes the difficult issue. We could even go so far as try to explore the religious teachings that they were raised in. It is no secret that Christian doctrine encompasses a pretty broad set of interpretations and we should expect the same from other religions and some will be more extreme than others.mamabearCali wrote:Like all of us have said you may have one or two people here and there that go insane that claim to be Christians. People are people.
Really?....the crusades.....we are bringing up something that happened 600+ years ago and was at least in part a reaction to the Muslim Invasion of Europe and the Balkans.
The Spanish Inquisition....that was a horror show and again was much more political than religious in nature and was again minimum 500+ years ago.
The KKK....what Christian doctrine are they trying to advance? I grant that there may be misguided Christians within their ranks, but as far as I know they are a racial group not a religious group.
So to the points you raised. Yes the crusades still get mentioned. Historical grievances play a role. In any event as long as it advancws the aims of the person raising the issue, they become fuel for the fire.
The Spanish Inquisition is an apt analogy precisely for the reason you cited. It is a very clear example of the Church exerting it's control over the lives of everyday people and controlling the government. It exerted virtually unchecked power and was manipulated to achieve the goals of the Church at the time. Sounds fairly similar to what's happening in the Muslim world.
Your point on the KKK made my inquisitive, so I googled Christian philosphy of the KKK. I got lots of hits and number two was their Homepage. On it they define themselves as a white Christian organization. I didn't drill down any further into their stuff but it is an example of my first point. Only when the majority have denied the validity of the claim to the point that amost all recoginize the claim for it's reality, can we hope for change.