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by rwg3
Tue Sep 11, 2012 7:30 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Limbaugh Predicts Economic Collapse If Obama Wins
Replies: 78
Views: 12185

Re: Limbaugh Predicts Economic Collapse If Obama Wins

So much of this type of discussion is just wind. It misses the reality that exists in Washington. The concepts of rational actions, unfettered economics and tax rates are mere talking points for the benefit of the public. At this point it really doesn't matter who says what on the campaign trail. The economic process is set and running itself. The only thing a president can do is act at the edges on flashpoint issues that really have minimal impact on the larger economy. There are too many vested interests who have subverted the independance of the Congress particularly in financial matters to allow any actions that will meaningfully change the system.
Economic theory must be tempered with some regulations or else we will be back in the era of the monopolies, which was generally considered a bad thing unless you happened to own one. Business usually dont invest primarily for tax reasons. I have not met a business owner who says I am going to to retire by saving on taxes. They almost always say they are looking for the next idea that will capture more market share, or increase revenue on the existing business base. Then they complain about taxes, but also will admit that they had to make some money to pay tax the on. If they are only making enough income to clear expenses each year they probably wont last long in any event, and that is a business model problem not a tax problem.
Rush is a fascinating entertainer. He has figured out how to attract an audience and cater or pander (you choose which) to their fears. HIs advertisers love him and he is trapped in that cycle of needing to not break the pattern that has made him succesful. I rarely listen to him at this point. He has gone past the bounds of helpful dialogus and now rants and rages at a level that is painful to listen to. I dont trust his fact checking and therefore I dont trust his dialogue. Actually he is in many ways comparable to Howard Stern who is at the opposite end of the spectrum but working the same business model.

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