Thanks ELB for your responses. Very good read. I will certainly work on some of the techniques you mentioned. It is certainly difficult to train yourself to snap out of your own little world. Ironically, I'm always preaching to the girlfriend to be aware of her surroundings. Whoops. Seems I need to work on it as well.
The cross technique to check for everything sounds great. I've actually done this myself in the past, however never as a habit. I'll be working on that as well.
A bit more explanation on my position, my truck is an extended cab. I was on the passenger side with the front passenger door open, so that I could open the rear panel door which opens out like a suicide door. So basically I was between the open doors. Looking back, I had wondered about how I could have gotten into the truck quickly. Maybe close the rear door with my left hand, in order to keep my shooting hand free and keeping an eye on the problem, before getting into the passenger side and closing the front.
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- Wed Dec 07, 2011 2:38 pm
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Lapse in Awareness
- Replies: 22
- Views: 4571
- Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:49 am
- Forum: Never Again!!
- Topic: Lapse in Awareness
- Replies: 22
- Views: 4571
Lapse in Awareness
Greetings board,
I have enjoyed reading the board for sometime now. I thought I'd post an explanation of a recent lapse in my awareness and ask for advice.
I have had my CHL for about 4 years now (coming up on renewal time) and typically carry whenever/wherever I legally can do so. I have yet to have any issues while carrying until just recently. I took a trip to a local gunsmith to have a couple of my long guns worked on. On my first trip, I left in such a hurry that I had forgotten my weapon. This rarelly happens. However, on my second trip to the gunsmith to pick up my guns, I remembered to grab my weapon.
After placing my guns into the backseat of my truck in the parking lot, I turned around to find a man standing no more than 3 feet behind me peering over my shoulder. Needless to say this took me completely off guard. The shock of the moment caused me to gasp loudly and my vision even seemed to blurr for a second. The man appeared to be hispanic and didn't seem to speak any english. He stood there with his hand up continuously moving his finger in a motion as if he was pulling a trigger for what seemed like quite a while. He then began to speak and I have no idea of what he was saying. He was well inside of 21 feet from me and all I was thinking was I was in serious trouble if this guy springs on me. I was between him and my truck with the doors open, so virtually no room for me to move. I carry my pistol on the back side of my right hip. I remember turning my right hip away from him but could not decide whether to move my hand onto my gun or not. I did not want to instigate an attack if it wasn't his intention. I began to repeatedly holler for him to back away while motioning my left arm to visualize my demand. However, he just seemed intent on saying whatever he was saying and didn't seem interested in my demand. This lasted for what seemed like quite a while, but was probably a mere few seconds. He finally slowly turned around and walked away.
I consider myself to be generally aware of my surroundings, however not so in this case. I can vividly recollect walking out of the establishment to my truck and can't for the life of me figure where this guy came from. Looking back, I don't "think" he had the intention of harming me. But who knows. After the man disappeared down the street, I went back into the shop to tell the shopkeeper about the incident. Another lesson learned, pay attention to details. I found that when the shopkeeper asked for his description, I couldn't give him an accurate account, even though the incident happened just minutes before.
I would appreciate any feedback on how I could have better handled this situation as well as any tactical advice that can be offered in how to get the upper hand in this type of situation. Thanks.
I have enjoyed reading the board for sometime now. I thought I'd post an explanation of a recent lapse in my awareness and ask for advice.
I have had my CHL for about 4 years now (coming up on renewal time) and typically carry whenever/wherever I legally can do so. I have yet to have any issues while carrying until just recently. I took a trip to a local gunsmith to have a couple of my long guns worked on. On my first trip, I left in such a hurry that I had forgotten my weapon. This rarelly happens. However, on my second trip to the gunsmith to pick up my guns, I remembered to grab my weapon.
After placing my guns into the backseat of my truck in the parking lot, I turned around to find a man standing no more than 3 feet behind me peering over my shoulder. Needless to say this took me completely off guard. The shock of the moment caused me to gasp loudly and my vision even seemed to blurr for a second. The man appeared to be hispanic and didn't seem to speak any english. He stood there with his hand up continuously moving his finger in a motion as if he was pulling a trigger for what seemed like quite a while. He then began to speak and I have no idea of what he was saying. He was well inside of 21 feet from me and all I was thinking was I was in serious trouble if this guy springs on me. I was between him and my truck with the doors open, so virtually no room for me to move. I carry my pistol on the back side of my right hip. I remember turning my right hip away from him but could not decide whether to move my hand onto my gun or not. I did not want to instigate an attack if it wasn't his intention. I began to repeatedly holler for him to back away while motioning my left arm to visualize my demand. However, he just seemed intent on saying whatever he was saying and didn't seem interested in my demand. This lasted for what seemed like quite a while, but was probably a mere few seconds. He finally slowly turned around and walked away.
I consider myself to be generally aware of my surroundings, however not so in this case. I can vividly recollect walking out of the establishment to my truck and can't for the life of me figure where this guy came from. Looking back, I don't "think" he had the intention of harming me. But who knows. After the man disappeared down the street, I went back into the shop to tell the shopkeeper about the incident. Another lesson learned, pay attention to details. I found that when the shopkeeper asked for his description, I couldn't give him an accurate account, even though the incident happened just minutes before.
I would appreciate any feedback on how I could have better handled this situation as well as any tactical advice that can be offered in how to get the upper hand in this type of situation. Thanks.